Women Of Wicklow...
It’s time to feel confident in who you are, and what YOU want
Because it’s never-ever too late to put YOU and your needs first!
As women we invest so many hours, days, weeks, YEARS investing our energy into others, don’t we?
Partners, parents, siblings, kids, grand-kids… friends… The energy can often feel like it’s all flowing ‘out’ and there’s never enough coming back ‘in’!
And it’s not that you’re ungrateful – oh no there’s been amazing times… it’s just at some point you start to realise something’s not quite ‘right’ anymore.
No matter what you do… or how much you try to ignore it… the fulfillment you felt from nurturing, protecting, and growing your family… just isn’t quite ‘there’ anymore.
Maybe it’s when your kids grew up, or your grand-kids headed off to school… and the house became abnormally quiet.
Or when your partner is preoccupied with work… or fishing… or golf… or down the pub… and you’re left behind.
Or when you reduced your hours at work… or finished for good… and you now find yourself at a loose end.
Who am I?
What am I doing?
Have I achieved everything I wanted to?
What is my purpose?
What sparks passion deep down in my soul… is there anything anymore?
Did I ever find it?
What do I want to be remembered for… is it THIS?
Should I try something new… or is it too late?
What’s next for me?
Ahhhhh Yes, THOSE questions.
The one’s that make you feel like something’s missing…
The one’s that make you feel like time is running out…
The one’s that make you recall the darkest days… and wonder if you ever really found the way out…
In fact, I’ve observed these same questions and feelings arising… over and over again.
And I’m afraid to say they don’t just ‘go away’ by themselves!
How do I know?
Hi, I’m Carmel,
And I’ve had my own past experiences and pain to work through… and many forms of the “who am I now?” questions to answer over the years...
I’ve been a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother… a career woman… and a business owner.
I’ve had failed relationships wrought with conflict… and re-built broken ones worth saving!
I’ve been violated, and put-down by others… and I’ve loved people who didn’t love me back…
I’ve felt the emotional turmoil of getting older... body changing, and children growing up.
I’ve felt the uncertainty and confusion trying to decide what’s next for me... when I lacked the confidence and self-esteem to figure it out alone!
Just like you… I’ve got many stories to tell, secrets to keep, trauma to overcome… and responsibilities to uphold!
But what you might not know is I’m also a qualified Life Coach with over 11 years' experience.
And I’m determined to never give-up… not on clients, not on myself, no matter what!
I’ve learnt a lot from both working on myself, and helping others grow…
…beyond the shadows of the past, beyond emotional barriers, and beyond heart-breaking conflict.
You’re not alone, and it’s not your fault!
Because all this questioning, confusion, pain, and uncertainty is an ever-pervasive example of the dis-empowerment of women.
It’s the social conditioning which tells us from a young age to “grin and bear it” and “be seen and not heard” and “don’t make a fuss” and “you’ve made your bed, now lie on it”…
Over laid with societal roles, pressures, expectations and norms of how we ‘should’ act, and what we ‘should’ do, and what we ‘should’ put up with… because that’s all we’re really worth!!!
No wonder you can feel out-of-touch and disconnected from the REAL ‘YOU’ - right!?
The good news is – I’ve spent years exploring the reasons WHY we struggle, WHY we get ‘stuck’, WHY we lose our sense of purpose… and how to grow beyond these points of uncertainty.
As a coach it never ceases to amaze me how so many women feel and arrive at a point of conscious un-fulfillment and uncertainty after years of doing exactly what they ‘should’ have been doing – working, raising families, and being good wives, daughters, sisters… being good friends and diligent employees.
…as it turns out, the ‘shoulds’ of society don’t always equate to success, self-confidence, and certainty…
Instead there’s worry, stress, and a sense of settling for LESS, because you don’t want to ADMIT somethings wrong… even if it doesn’t feel ‘right’ because… well… what would people think of you!?
You end up building a protective wall around your true emotions and your most vulnerable self.
And let’s not forget about how many roles you’ve played ‘masks’ you’ve worn just to get by and fit in… no wonder there’s a sense of ‘numbness’ or ‘fuzziness’ around who the REAL you is!
STOP to the pain, the judgments, the fears.
STOP to not feeling ‘good’ enough…
STOP to always putting yourself last and settling for the confines of social conditioning!
It’s time to welcome in new ideas and new insights that can help you unwind yourself from your past… the stories, the trauma’s, the regrets, the exhaustion… and feel confident and excited for the future!
That’s why this year I decided it was high-time to come back to where it all started for me, back to my home town of Wicklow…
So I can share my own personal and coaching experience with you too!
Introducing the 4 day event...
Here's why you should come join us in May:
Attend all 4 days or choose which best suit you
...either way this is going to be a SAFE space to learn, share, and grow together!
Because, I get it...
We’re not used to talking about this ‘finding purpose and meaning’ stuff… for REAL, are we?
You might confide in a close friend that you’re feeling a bit ‘off’, or read those ‘feel good’ articles in the magazines and wonder if it’s really as ‘easy’ as they say it is… or perhaps you watch TV shows about life transformations… and secretly wish you were a participant.
But often that’s about as far as you get…
Again, it can be those worries of what others may think of you… or thoughts that you’re being ungrateful for what you already have… that prevent you from investing the time and energy YOU deserve in YOU.
Or perhaps someone once said you weren’t good enough, or not valuable enough, and you believed them…
My only wish for you is to read this, and realise that was THEIR opinion… it’s not YOUR truth.
If you can suspend any disbelief for even just ONE day and allow yourself to imagine that change IS possible for you … then I can help you with all the ‘how to make it happen’ stuff!
It just takes you deciding it’s time, and you’re worth it!
And giving me the time necessary to guide you there…
"I know in my soul that what I’m going to teach you over these 4 days will help you feel more purpose and passion and connection every day."
Sound good? Great!
Because if you and miss this opportunity… and choose to believe what ‘others’ say about you, and this ‘kind’ of event, I can guarantee you nothing will change!
The emptiness, and unsettledness, and low self-esteem will persist… and I don’t want that for you!
And on a side note: I know many of your partners and friends won’t ‘get’ why this is important for you to attend – please know they don’t have to give you permission for it to be ok to explore new things… YOU hold the power… and once they see the ‘change’ in you…
I’m sure they’ll agree it was a great decision!
Once they see you smile, relax, and radiate new hope and enthusiasm.
That's right...
It’s time to feel more confident in who you are… and what you want!
But wait!
Are you wondering if change is REALLY possible for you?
Not even sure what it ‘is’ you need to change…
Feeling doubtful of where these 4 day sessions may lead… and if it will work for you?
“I am now more certain than ever of the direction my life...”
“WOW, WOW and more WOW - Carmel Murphy you are amazing. Within the 20 minute session that we had today, I am now more certain than ever of the direction my life is taking (light bulb moment and Carmel was the switch). No more second guessing, no more what about this or that, no more wasting time… Thank you gorgeous woman…”
Trudy Cotter
“...changed my whole relationship with my family & myself."
“Dear Carmel – you rock! Thank you so much for the awesome 45 minutes with you that changed my whole relationship with my family & myself. I got to identify the BIG thing that was negatively impacting my relationship(s), release the “stuff” that kept it there and take immediate daily actions as the solution. Since our session I have 3 happy girls who feel like they get ‘fun Mum time’ and the impact that has had on me...deeply & I am grateful. How does it get better than you Carmel?”
Gratefully, Ann.
Ps and that was just session # 1!
Dr Ann McCoy (vet med) BVMS
You see, the thing is – life doesn’t have to be ‘hard’.
Sure ‘bad' things happen – and things don’t always go to ‘plan’- but when learn new ways of coping and apply new meaning to old thoughts and behaviours… life CAN change.
You can feel different.
No matter what.
How do I know?
Because I’ve dedicated my own learning and training to exactly this!
So, what does all this professional ‘jargon’ mean for you?
Well it shows I have many skills and a profound depth of knowledge when it comes to in helping people tune into themselves, understand and overcome obstacles, and release their suppressed inner potential.
And just like all the others I’ve helped over the years…
Here’s one of my favourite stories of change, growth, and happiness.
I’m so proud of what Lisa has achieved since I started working with her...
"At that point in my life those sessions were crucial..."
Carmel, although I wanted to have coaching sessions, when we started I wasn't completely sure what I wanted out of them. I knew I wanted more confidence, and more ideas on how to communicate effectively and get goals set and done because I wanted to move on in my career but I was scared that I would be rejected for many reasons. I was feeling small and needed to feel big again, brave, strong, positive.
My experience was fantastic. I honestly can't think of one negative thing.
Some nights I was tired and a little down, but after talking to you I was always happy and positive. I started working on little things like changing "hard" for "challenging", trying to laugh at myself and at situations, taking feedback instead of criticism or failure. I can tell you, my mood has improved a lot.
The most important lesson for me, although we all know, but I had to re-learn it, was the cause-effect theory. During most of my life I am proud to have been the cause, but recently fear was holding me back, making me effect. I have since decided that I am the cause, and I will cause the changes I want in my life, and if what I want doesn't happen just today, it will happen tomorrow, but it will certainly happen. I won't sit down and cross my arms and wait for miracles, I won't give up without putting a good fight for each and every thing I want for my life.
My confidence has increased dramatically. In fact, I am so confident that I will achieve all my goals that I am already happy, I already feel them, smell them, see them. This in turn has made a huge difference to my leadership and in turn my team as I have shared information with them and can see them trust me even more as they begin to trust themselves.
From all sessions, 3 messages are constantly in my mind: "I am the cause, not the effect"; "life is a joke, sit back and laugh"; "feel the fear, and do it anyways."
I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for your support, help, professionalism, and for the laughs too. You have been wonderful and have done a fantastic job.
At that point in my life those sessions were crucial, they've transformed my mind set, they've helped me boost my energy, improve my confidence and optimism. I am a much better me!
Thank you Carmel,
Lisa Preveris
Want to have a transformative experience like Lisa too? Well, here’s what the talk of the town will be come May…
Join us on this 4-day adventure May 16, 17, 18, 20
9.30am to 3.00pm
De La Salle Pastoral Centre, Wicklow, Ireland
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
And to keep us all on-track I’ll also provide handouts every day – so you can go home with reminders of what you learned and how to apply it.
And of course, there’ll be light refreshments provided to keep everyone hydrated… and focused on the content! Simply bring your own lunch.
As you’ll see I’ve priced tickets so the ‘COST’ doesn’t prevent the ‘VALUE’ being missed by anyone. I really don’t want you missing out on this unique experience, because here’s something else you might not know about me…
I live in Perth!
I’m flying in from Australia and I’m only presenting this event in Wicklow Town. Nowhere else!
So THIS is your ONLY chance to take part in this event, because who knows when I’ll be back in Ireland again!
And because I’m only in Wicklow for a short amount of time… I’ve decided to add in some special bonuses for all attendees who book NOW…
Everything you need to know to get you ready to roll on Day 1.
PLUS an embarrassing story I’ve never shared publicly before… gulp!
Access to a PRIVATE Facebook group...
So we can stay connected and keep growing together once I head back to Oz!
Yes, tickets are sold per day – so come to one, two, three,
or for the best deal - all FOUR!
1 day = €49
2 days = €89
3 days = €129
4 days = €169
Oh, and remember Lisa...
She experienced massive breakthroughs in our coaching sessions.
And I want you to experience some of that awesomeness too.
That’s why I’ve decided if you attend one of the days… and you’re not 100% happy when you walk out the door… you can have your money back.
No awkwardness or feeling weird, no need to explain or get upset.
If you attend and it turns out it wasn’t a good-fit for you… that’s ok.
I’ll simply refund your ticket. No worries.
Because, well, if you’re not ready for change… you’re not ready.
But… if you have even the slightest inkling that you are... this event is for you!
Click the button below to get your tickets and discover how freedom from the past, peace in the present, and joyful optimism in the future can be yours too...
'till we meet in May, I truly wish you all the best on your journey forward.
Carmel Murphy x
P.S. Warning:
If you mention this event to a friend, colleague, or partner, and they don’t ‘get’ why it’s important for you to attend… please come anyway!
This is such a good example of how we let others’ opinions influence OUR outcomes. Please do it for you, no matter what someone else says, or thinks. It’s time to put you FIRST!
P.P.S. Remember…
You’re never too old for change, and it’s never too late to feel more confident. In my experience it starts with feeling safe enough to open up, share, and re-connect with ourselves. It ends with you feeling lighter, happier and more understanding of WHY life is how it is… and how you can change it for the better.?
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