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Make This Year Your Be$t Year Yet!
Exceptional Foundations
Click the heading below to watch
All great things are built on rock solid foundations - so too your business and financial freedom lifestyle!
Below you'll find an introductory webinar and 8 short videos presented by our in-house wealth and business mentor Paul Counsel. A self-made millionaire by 40, and the creator of multiple 7-figure businesses since then, he knows the importance of focusing on your foundations to ensure what ever you build and create has the best chance of success... starting with your money code.
Bring any questions to the weekly calls and we can explore these topics deeper. We can even ask Paul to join us and give you a VIP hot seat to get you ahead sooner.
Carmel & Sarah
Introduction - Understanding Your Money Code
Video #1 - Understanding The Enterprise Code
Video #2 - Key factors For Exceptional Achievement
Video #3 - Developing A 6 Figure Plan
Video #4 - Developing A 7 Figure Plan
Video #5 - Understanding Value for YOU and THEM
Video #6 - An Overview Of Formats, Packaging And Pricing
Video #7 - Enrolling Buyers Via Marketing
Video #8 - Developing Your Psychological Success Team
Thursday Co-Creation Calls
Click the headings below to watch
#85 Membership Call 2022_02_17
Celebrate members
How To Research Your Avatar
Members unpack
The 4 part quadrant
YouTube Search - what to look for
#84 Membership Call 2022_02_10
Congrats and celebrate members.
Review New website for TCQ
How to Elevator pitch -
Become known as "The" something
Workshopped pitch
#83 Membership Call 2022_02_03
Celebrate members
Structure of a sales page
How to get great testimonials
Over view of new TPVB sales page
Kartra back end walk through
#82 Membership Call 2022_01_27
Structure of a post script - the wording
Walk through -
The what not the HOW
#81 Membership Call 2022_01_20
Member check in
Content creating structure
Script example share
#80 Membership Call 2022_01_13
Congrats and review with members
Wendy launch webiste LIVE
New way of making video - Filmr via phone FREE with Invideo account.
Video making at your finger tips.
#79 Membership Call 2022_01_06
Set up for 2022
Facebook Permissions
Membership Sites
Sales Page Structure
#78 Membership Call 2021_12_16
Emotions Wheel
Fav apps
Word for the year
#77 Membership Call 2021_12_09
How to plan your year
#76 Membership Call 2021_12_02
How to go live in more than one place at once
How to set up Streamyard for maximum effect.
#75 Membership Call 2021_11_25
How to set up a YouTube Channel
#74 Membership Call 2021_11_18
Check-in where everyone is at
What are the challenges and support they need.
Look at the 12 month plan
How to Amazon S3 uploads.
YouTube insights and how to access transcripts.
#73 Membership Call 2021_11_11
When not to run your event
How to be less stressed and have a great launch/event
Marketing Campaign
#72 Membership Call 2021_11_04
Marketing Campaign - they are not all the same
Decision fatigue
Affiliate/JV with a marketing campaign
#71 Membership Call 2021_10_28
Marketing Campaign - How To Use Asana To Manage Your Campaigns And Events
#70 Membership Call 2021_10_21
Marketing Campaign - the next steps
Timing and reminders
Mapping out the customer journey
Marketing Campaign Outline Template
#68 Membership Call 2021_10_07
What is a Marketing Campaign?
What do you need to do first?
What is the time frame of a marketing campaign and should they overlap?
Planning, Live V launch or evergreen.
Paid ads - lead magnet
what not to do
When it is not a campaign
PLAN is the first thing
Organic V Paid - what strategy are you using?
What does the Spiral have to do with it.
Unpack Dave event idea and timeline.
#67 Membership Call 2021_09_30
Introduction and welcome to new visitors.
Paul - frames of reference and the stages of human development
Social conditioning - How we perceive things.
Spiral Assessment - Above the line and below the line
Why do a high % of lotto winners lose their money?
Q and A
#66 Membership Call 2021_09_23
Camera Settings - how to adjust and zoom in
Clarifying Jaime's message - pain or pleasure
What is marketing - and how is it different to a marketing campaign?
Do you really need a business plan?
#65 Membership Call 2021_09_16
Shiva's Message Unpack - Using the Connect 4 Table - download word doc
#64 Membership Call 2021_09_09
What you finally get the AHA moment - insights into what happens when the penny drops
Video: feedback on Dave's video, suggested tweaks and discussion of how the messaging is working.
Messaging: Deeper insight and unpack of Dave's Connect 4 Table - Adding new column for identifying the core needs, motivators, and primal emotions.
#63 Membership Call 2021_09_02
Webcam tips: lighting, exposure, and manual adjustment of white balance.
Messaging: Together we filled in the desire, problems, and emotions Connect 4 table for Dave's Avatar.
Dave's Message Unpack - download word doc.
Review of Shiva's script - download word doc
Homework: Fill in the Connect 4 table for your avatar. Add another column and identify what are the primal emotions and core needs of your avatar?
#62 Membership Call 2021_08_26
BLOT script the questions
Remember to repeat your core message 3 to 4 times in the script
The 4 questions -
a. what is the core message b. How many times is it repeated? c. What is the desire? d. What other problems are they experiencing or does it bring up?
The BLOT line by line Headline, subheadline, objection, solution and CTA
Shiva video example and feedback
Scene by scene breakdown
Tips on copyright of images and videos.
The Curse of knowledge....
Homework: To help you gain clarity on your message have a go filling in this table... we will work through it together next week on the call.
#61 Membership Call 2021_08_19 Voice over in Invideo - How to get it to work seamlessly. YouTube how to add a thumbnail Messaging - the structure. The BLOT and why does it work. Do you lead with a question or a statement? What is the answer you want them to get to? Form your question/statement to get that" Sample headline to HOOK them BLOT step by step unpack Homework: Download this example blot script with Sarah's copy analysis and answer the 4 questions at the bottom of the page. |
#60 Membership Call 2021_08_12
Celebrate Members Wins...
Wendy success and feedback
Comfort V discomfort
How to "reframe" the discomfort to "growth"
Fear V Safe
Shiva and how accent and differences can be used to an advantage
It is not your product... it is what your product solves
Sarah tips on copy and the 6 step process
It is your ability to influence and persuade that makes a difference in your marketing
If it's not about getting them to do what you want - then what is it?
The curse of knowledge#59 Membership Call 2021_08_05
Celebrate Members Wins
#58 Membership Call 2021_07_29 Celebrate members wins Example video for Video Workshop Shiva video and feedback How to use YOU in a unique way How specific do you need to get? What is a Shiverism? How to make content your own Nicole How do you know it is time to let go of some things. How to keep 4 business's on the go Affiliate How to access and share |
#57 Membership Call 2021_07_22
Celebrate Members Wins...
Jodie video feedback.
Relevant images Improve copy Make it sharper
What is the #1 problem that you are addressing?
Inattentional blindness -
when people can be just a blind as a blind person
Have you worked our what is their internal motivation?
Jaime logo feedback.
How much time should you spend on your logo?
Where do you hold pain in your body?
Video to watch
Watch his interview style too.
#56 Membership Call 2021_07_15
Celebrate Members Wins
Shiva video feedback
Wendy video feedback
The big Shift action is taken.
Does your script start with a promise - using the BLOT template?
What is the unconscious and unstated core driver for your audience?
Jodie video feedback
Remember "When you are busy in it you often can't see it" get feedback as you go...
Is your writing and grammar correct?
Get Grammarly Premium
How does your "front" door work as a hook?
Can I use Plain word only videos on YouTube?
#55 Membership Call 2021_07_08
Celebrate members Paul talks re self sabotage Would you like to be successful? YouTube and algorithms What will an excuse do? Ranking on YouTube Where to look on websites for keywords What is a keyword? and why should I use them? The best books to read on mindset Mindset V Mindflex Wendy's video and feedback/unpack How to get your lighting right |
#54 Membership Call 2021_07_01
Celebrate Members Wins...
The challenge video - Wendy video hot seat and unpack What core emotion do you want them to feel? What do they want? How do I manage time? Who said you have to do it all yourself? What the f%&k am I doing? and why is the perfect place to be? How can I successfully outsource tasks? The golden rule for any course you do! How do I clone myself? How do I achieve a healthier bottom line? Why am I so impatient? Always remember the tortoise and the hare... |
#53 Membership Call 2021_06_24
Celebrate Members Wins
How can you be found on YouTube?...Spiders/Keywords and samples of keywords needed for your video to rank.
Are you relevant?
Why is Mickey Mouse an attractive character?
Your opportunity to GROW your business is here
Why most deep wants and needs unconscious and unstated?
What has marketing got to do with dating? and how is it the same as business?
Do you know what your conscious intentions are?
What's sex got to do with it?
The Challenge is set...
Greatest advantage to a BLOT...
Remember it is a promise not an accusation.
Symbolism - The study of semiotics - how we make sense of what we are looking at
Unpack of high revenue website opt in and great copy.
#52 Membership Call 2021_06_17
With Paul Counsel
How do I put a group together?
The 5 step process Paul developed to build his business
The Referral System
Why are Videos important in today’s business?
How to use a language barrier to your advantage
The fastest way to money (Paul shared an example)
The Decision-making brain language process
I – Capture their attention
2 – Talk about their Me-Centric Needs/Desires
3 – Contrast
Paul’s challenge with crafted scripts
#51 Membership Call 2021_06_10
Celebrate Members Wins...
From your lead magnet to a sale... a step by step walk through
The steps beneath the funnel,
Asana as a project management tool and how it works.
Airtable within a marketing campaign
Time lines
#50 Membership Call 2021_06_03
Celebrate Members Wins
The Importance of a Marketing plan
Shiva New Premises and action plan
How to use video in your marketing plan
Dave plan of action re Videos for intro to book.
CRM workflow
Terri's Xmas in July - what needs to be in place for a Media and marketing plan
How to launch and market an event .
The biggest mistake in marketing
#49 Membership Call 2021_05_27
Celebrate Members
Leeann Pamphlet feedback How to reverse engineer Who is the Avatar? Can you spot it? What must always go in copy? How to know when you are in your power feminine - a visual representation. |
#48 Membership Call 2021_05_20
Celebrate Members Wins...
What is the biggest block with your lead magnet?
Shiva's Website feedback...
(Tip: remember never delete your copy)
Lead magnet marketing unpack hot seat
What is Airtable?
#47 Membership Call 2021_05_13
Celebrate Members Wins Shiva - Website home page unpack. What copy needs to be on home page? Headlines - to talk to your customer Value Statement Open Loop Questions Is it best to add your price or not? What booking calendar is best to use and how does it function. |
#46 Membership Call 2021_05_06
Celebrate members achievement
Zoom - new use in presentations
What is the best video editing software?
Overview of Camtasia
Where are their details going in my CRM?
What is the best payment options - for taking immediate deposits.
#45 Membership Call 2021_04_29
Welcome new members Mindflex Monday calls now available How to send emails with Mailchimp How to reconnect with an existing email list How can I find a contact by first name DRIP Unconscious competence - why there is no need to re invent the wheel |
#44 Membership Call 2021_04_22
Celebrate members How do I get my CRM hyperlink to show up in emails colour. Video to watch How to use personalised code (ie first name) to ensure same font as rest of email. Getting too many emails re web security and how to change it How to connect Paypal and DRIP to trigger campaign Not 100% sure of your Niche? Live unpack on call How do I send the first email to an old email list? The different types of emails. Is my promotional post working? |
#43 Membership Call 2021_04_15
Welcome new members
How to do lead magnets - without a website
Where to store you pre recorded Webinar
How to make a Hyperlink
Structure of a Funnel - for a shop front business
How to construct offers and add value
#42 Membership Call 2021_04_08
Intro new members & celebrate wins
How to get the best video angles?
What do you believe is the #1 Block to entrepreneurial success? Discussion
"It's all about the money and it's never about the money"
Dave: story share re Money
#41 Membership Call 2021_04_01
Check in/Celebrate member's
How does automation work - what are the steps
How to plan a launch the big picture
The techy side - the automation, Sales page, pay pal, members area, CRM
What's the best Calendar app?
Why you should celebrate overwhelm...
The Urgency - is it yours or theirs
Facebook ads - behind the scenes of our current campaign.
Q and A - FB ads
#40 Membership Call 2021_03_25
Your Money Code Q & A and Discussion: How do we behave wealth/money into action? What is money? & why do we hesitate to take on a coach to learn this skill? Justin re Thomas Sowell - study re Poverty to affluence - what causes poverty. Working hard & Entrepreneurship. Why do some people evolve more than others in a wealth perspective? Where did conspiracy theory come from? The Entrepreneurial Spirit Asked Paul - What are the big things you had to Veto out or focus on when you were building your business? Why we position for approval How ALL fear is forward looking. The oxygen mask - not positioning for approval. Wealthy V cash flow Worker self V business owner /Entrepreneur. Social engineering designed for Predictability, Conformity and Servitude Employer V employee Are we designed for instant gratification? Nature V Nurture The Marshmallow experiment. Developing nations and entrepreneurship |
#39 Membership Call 2021_03_18
Acknowledgements: Sarah, Terri and Wendy Share from the E.E.Manifesto Video Script feedback - Wendy's promo video script. Turn Talent into Income - Presentation from Paul Counsel How do you view money? Money code exercise Debt and social engineering How do we change our money Code Psychology - Why you have a poor time-money value... How to behave new money foundations Ways to greater revenue... Motivators deficiencies/trans formative and transcendence The formula to success - self directed neuroplasticity How financial Freedom can be learned... The Transactional Economy Who developed the art of getting people buying what they don't need? What is your money code? Why knowledge and skills are your true value! |
#38 Membership Call 2021_03_11
Introduction to our new member Dave Video feedback - Jaime feedback on video for next week event promo. Nicole's feedback on video for lead magnet. Marketing Plans: How to implement your Marketing plan including reverse engineering Why you don't see your own value: The prevalence of unconscious competence |
#37 Membership Call 2021_03_04
Introduction to our new members Nick and Kimberly.
What is the best timing for text on a video slide?
Social Media Strategy: unpack of Carmel's #Promo post that worked... and feedback on Kimberly's message from the group.
Why you don't see your own value: The prevalence of unconscious competence
#36 Membership Call 2021_02_25
Manifesto check in and acknowledgement
Video feedback - Terri and Nicole's feedback on video, the structure, capturing audience attention, what to change, and headlines.
Wendy - feedback on her Welcome video script, for her Homepage
#35 Membership Call 2021_02_18
Discussion of Airtable template and Asana work flow. 10 Simple ways to start a headline without using the words "how to" - PDF, work shopping and feedback. Airtable and posting schedule |
#34 Membership Call 2021_02_11
Leeann - Table of Value and ways to present your services How to add a podcast episode to a webpage. Changes to the members page and where to find your affiliate link. Terri - Tagline for her business, group brain storm. How to do a high visibility post on FB and how to get more interaction.... |
#33 Membership Call 2021_02_04
The importance of co-creation as an entrepreneur, and a reminder that this is a place where we can co-create with you!
Review of our recent webinar - framework, structure, and results!
Nicole - Procrastination, overwhelm, and feeling stuck with social media
#32 Membership Call 2021_01_28
Clarity on goals and how to with Wendy and Teresa clarity
Nicci's experience of having to let a client go and what she learned
Techy help:
- How to edit menu buttons
- How to put a Pay pal button on a web page
- How to ensure your website is mobile responsive
- The pros and cons of contact forms on websites
#31 Membership Call 2021_01_21
Announcing new branding and Manifesto for Exceptional Entrepreneurs
Calibrated questions detailed explanation and PDF below
Nicole teaching how to change your Icon on your web page URL
Justin - answers questions re audio settings and microphones
#30 Membership Call 2021_01_14
“How You Can Use Influence and Persuasion To Build a Profitable And Sustainable Business"
with Paul Counsel
Nicci - How to adjust your WordPress menu?
#29 Membership Call 2021_01_07
Terri - email campaigns, workflows and how to send at email at a specific time,
How to share music in Zoom while muting yourself
Asana templates
When we first launched in 2020 the membership was called Better Business Builders Network...
The new name Exceptional Entrepreneurs was announced in January 2021...
That's why on the following recordings you will see us reference the Better Business Builders name and branding.
Carmel & Sarah
#28 Membership Call 2020_12_17
Zoom recordings Q
Drop box V One drive
How to add a new lead magnet on WordPress and lightbox opt in
GDPR plug ins
#27 Membership Call 2020_12_10
Zoom media permission pop up click here for instructions
FB pages and changing names
DRIP campaign and work flow
#26 Membership Call 2020_12_03
Amazon S3 - for content storage
Canva Templates - for Zoom background
Promoting an event - quick marketing plan
#25 Membership Call 2020_11_26
Headline and copy structure for event. Live unpack
How to save videos from FB and re share as live
#24 Membership Call 2020_11_19
How do I put my in person workshop online? Terri's question
#23 Membership Call 2020_11_12
End of year check-in to finish 2020
#22 Membership Call 2020_11_05
How do I get wordpress on my website? Thrive themes and Drip What webcam is best to use for content and lighting? Social Media and content, and how to organise with Airtable |
#21 Membership Call 2020_10_29
How can I categorize my web-pages? - Using Tags
- Pods Plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/pods/
How can I adjust my PayPal button ?
How can I link my free PDF to Drip?
How can I customize a Word document's colors and formatting, so it can become my biz template?
A helpful video series for Word Styles...
#20 Membership Call 2020_10_22
Google Trends
Google Keyword Planner
Ubersuggest - keyword & competitors search tool
#19 Membership Call 2020_10_15
Paul Hot Seat Unpack - Wendy Target Market & Teresa Target Market
Value Frame
Confidence V's Self-identity & Assertiveness
Positioning for approval
#18 Membership Call 2020_10_08
How to research your avatar online -
#17 Membership Call 2020_10_01
Avatar, avatar, avatar - an overview and introduction!
#16 Membership Call 2020_09_25
SPAM & GDPR Guidelines - Nicole's PDF
WordPress Menus - overview
How to make a Pop up opt-in box on your website
BLOT video script hot-seat for Teresa
#15 Membership Call 2020_09_17
Do I brand items? - Terri
Info graphics and headings - Nicole
Funnel, opt in, and post purchase experience.
#14 Membership Call 2020_09_10
Tech Training: How to connect your opt-in page to your CRM
Step by step API connection between DRIP and THRIVE and your opt-in page lead form.
#13 Membership Call 2020_09_03
Tech Training: The 5 key copy components for your opt in page... and design tips on how to arrange them on your web-page.
#12 Membership Call 2020_08_27
Tech Training: How to build your opt-in page for your lead magnet using WordPress and Thrive Architect. |
#11 Membership Call 2020_08_20
How to: Re Sarah's video of Feedback Mechanism
Jaime's unpack: How to frame an offer and Call To Action in a Facebook "promo" post
#10 Membership Call 2020_08_13
Zoom - How to set up registration, media permission, and templates.
Feedback Loops and subconscious codes - the how to.
Sarah's Feedback Mechanism Tutorial Video:
#9 Membership Call 2020_08_06
The Most Important Presentation Ever! - Paul Counsel
Signature thinking loops.
Subconscious codes.
Coding your new feedback mechanism.
#8 Membership Call 2020_07_30
How to write headlines
The importance of open reading loops.
#7 Membership Call 2020_07_24
Biz Unpack Session: What problems do you solve?
#6 Membership call 2020_07_16
Hot-seat copy critique
#5 Membership call 2020_07_09
Hot-seat copy critique - Justin's Elephant Stamp headline!
Headline 90%
CTA 8%
Body 2%
#4 Membership call 2020_07_02
Opt-in pages - examples/types
The mechanics
Double opt-ins
#3 Membership call 2020_06_25
Deeper understanding of funnels
Terri's hot-seat funnel unpack
Sarah's evergreen funnel example
#2 Membership call 2020_06_18
Complex Funnels explained
Opt-in pages explained
#1 Membership call 2020_06_11
Simple Funnels explained
Opt-in pages explained
Bonus Webinars
Click the headings below to explore the content
The Psychology Of The Rule Of 3
Learn about the most influential number in marketing and how you can leverage it to your marketing and sales advantage.
How To Turn Fence Sitters Into High Paying Clients
Learn how to get customers and clients 'across the line' without being pushy, sleazy or slimy!
- Distrust is a primal survival emotion
- Why "no" is the most powerful answer.
- The self-centric ego Vs. the aware-ego
- How to use Calibrated Questions to lower resistance to your offer
If Money And Cashflow Are Important To You... Learn This Skill - Paul Counsel
The foundational concepts and principals of high-conversion copywriting.
#1 Business Tool You Need To Learn NOW So You Are Ready To Generate Higher Revenues Online - Paul Counsel
The foundational concepts and principals of high-conversion copywriting.
Write Better, Earn More! - Meetup Presentation
The basics of our go-to 6-step copywriting formula you can use almost anywhere to ensure your message is 'talking' to the right person, with an engaging message that highlights your value to them!
From Generic To Magnetic: How To Inspire THEM To Take Action With YOU!
This is Sarah's Lead Magnet Webinar.
It is a deep dive into the 6-Step copywriting structure we use, and a run through of an email example LINE BY LINE explaining HOW the copy was written for a specific Avatar and WHY it works.
This webinar also follows Russel Brunson's Perfect Webinar Script.
5 Steps To Uncover Your Lucrative Target Market
This is Carmel's Lead Magnet Webinar.
It is an introduction to HOW to determine WHO your ideal target market is, and the steps to define, refine, and start creating marketing content FOR them.
The Top 5 Videos To use In Your Marketing Now!
Watch this for content creation ideas and examples for video marketing - especially for your socials :)
How To Make A 'Shut-Up And Take My Money' Video
Free intro Webinar to video marketing and making 30-90 second promo videos!
Watch this for an overview of video marketing, observe the STRUCTURE we used for this webinar (following Russel Brunson's Perfect Webinar formula), and the creation of an irresistible OFFER at the end.
Sales Funnels Simplified - 1/2 Day Workshop
Everything you need to know about designing your funnel, the tech required at each stage, an overview of our funnel PLUS two case studies sorted-out step by step LIVE on the call!
An Introduction To Influence And Persuasion - Paul Counsel
Recommended Products
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PDF Resources
Click the links below to download
Need assistance? Email carmel@thecommunicationqueen.com.au