"If you try and market to everyone... you'll sell to no one"

Discover How To Uncover Your 
Lucrative Target Market

So You Can Build A More Sustainable & Successful Business... SOONER!

Uncover Your Lucrative Target Market is a short video course that helps you gain clarity on your ideal-client (aka Avatar) and better communicate to their CORE Buying Motivators by taking you on a deep-dive into The 5 Steps To Better Connect.

If you've ever wondered...

  • WHO are they?
  • WHERE are they?
  • HOW can I better communicate my message to them?

From Chasing Dreams To Making It A Reality

...my businesss took-off when I focused on THEM not me!

Hi I'm Carmel Murphy a former frustrated career woman who'd had enough of making money for other people... turned online entrepreneur working from home on my own terms!

I'd always yearned for financial independence and time flexibility.  I started businesses with passion, only to find my self back at a job to ensure I could pay the bills on time...

I wanted to escape working life, and spend time fulfilling my dreams of an entrepreneurial life, working when, and where I wanted - but no matter how many times I tried, it didn't happen.

Coaches kept telling me "you have to be clear on your Avatar" or "the more you know about your ideal client the more successful you'll be"  but I didn't have the TIME for that! I was running from clients, to events, to pro-bonos, to networking... and back to work... trying desperately to keep my head above water!

Exhausted I felt like giving up.  

Then my mentor said, once again, "who's your target market, and what do they really want?" And although my default was to say 'ugh here we go again...'

I stopped - and thought - what if!

What if all this time I'd spent yo-yoing between biz and employment, feast and famine - I'd actually followed the advice and got CLEAR on my ideal market... What if!?

So that's what I decided to do.  I grit my teeth and delved into the world of my customers, and clients, and ideal connections. I asked questions, sought answers and didn't stop till I felt I knew WHO I could serve the best INTIMATELY...

It was only then when I realised -
this was everything I'd been missing!

My message became clearer, my way forward became clearer, and my business finally replaced ANY thoughts of returning to the workforce for GOOD. 

I was finally doing what I loved... on my own terms.  I got so obsessed people started calling me The Avatar Queen - they wanted to know how they could do it too!

When You Uncover Your Lucrative Target Market

...you'll get more of that "OMG it's working" feeling!

Less Time Wasted

Stop trying to convince EVERYONE - it's exhausting! When you focus on ONE ideal client... their needs, desires, probles, and emotions... YOU get wayyyy more specific, direct, and EFFECTIVE in your messaging. This means less time spent on people who are reluctant to PAY... and MORE time with those who are EXCITED to work with you!  It also means more targeted marketing strategies... eliminating any sleazy 'spray and pray' methods completely!

A Fair Exchange of Value

Making money, asking for money, spending money... people can have a funny relationship with money! BUT, when you know exactly how to align your value to the needs and wants and desires of your target market asking for a fair exchange of value becomes EASIER and more authentic to YOU. It becomes LESS about selling - and more about solving problems!  It's time to find the people who are LOOKING for your help... trust me it makes the whole money thing a lot easier!

Authentic Connections

You'll avoid those awkward conversations when asked "what do you do?" once you know EXACTLY who you help, why, and how! Imagine being able to speak at any moment about the amazing value you bring to your clients, the problems you solve, the results you get! Imagine having conversations that stimulate curiosity... Imagine people understanding you and your biz and being magnetically attracted to you! That's what happens when you know your ideal tarket market intimately. Resistance dissolves, intrigue remains, authentic connections are created!

Easier Content Creation

If you've ever done any marketing, of any kind, you will know that it takes time, money, and energy to roll out an effective strategy and campaign.  If you've ever felt LOST for words, drawing a blank about what to create - you're not alone! When you're foggy about WHO your message is targeted to - this will KEEP happening! Clarity of your target market means you ALWAYS know what to say, when, where and how... posts, videos, emails, sales pages, ads, newsletters... content creation always starts and ends with THEM!

Better Conversion Rates

Once you've crafted targeted marketing content to THEM... sit back and SEE the difference! A generic message trying to 'speak' to everyone will get lost in the noise, a SPECIFIC message targeted to those you know are SEEKING your help will see your conversion rates skyrocket.  It's quite thrilling when you get the "OMG it's working!" feeling... when you know your value is finally being SEEN and UNDERSTOOD! Woohoo!

More Fulfilling For You!

When your business is growing... you feel good.  You feel like all those sacrifices you made along the way were worth it.  You feel like all that money you've invested in courses and training has paid off.  You feel like your confidence and capabilities have finally replaced those internal doubting voices.  You feel like you can take a deep breath and actually ENJOY the ride! It's an amazing feeling when your message connects with those you can help the most. You finally feel like you're working ON purpose WITH purpose!

Give me 3 hours... and I'll show you how to do it too!

In this short video course (6 videos, 3 hours total) you'll get lots of examples and workshop exercises to help you gain clarity around who YOU help the most so you can connect your value to them more effectively.

"A lucrative target market is the key to a successful business!"

Here's what you'll learn

...as we deep-dive into The 5 Steps To Better Connect!

  • The key questions to answer so you can identify and define your ideal target market...
  • How to describe the URGENT problem you solve for them... in a way THEY'LL understand... so they become EAGER to get their hands on your product/service!
  • Learn the 4 "Proven-To-Be-Lucrative" business types so you know where YOUR value can be best positioned for increasing revenues!
  • How to communicate your message clearly to your target market with confidence and conviction, using this 6 Step High-Conversion Copywriting Formula.
  • Where to find your target market... and how to ensure your message turns up WHEN they're ready for it!

Clarity of message starts once you know them INSIDE and OUT!

Once you're clear on WHO they are and what motivates them to take action you will:
  • Stop chasing opportunities to work with ANYONE and start focusing on the most LUCRATIVE people to work with - so you can spend your time and marketing budget wisely!
  • Connect with more ideal clients and customers, and effortlessly turn them into loyal fans BECAUSE they know your value MUST be shared with others just like them!
  • Exude confidence in your message, know what you stand for, who you can help the most and have complete conviction in your value proposition!
  • Craft a message that speaks straight to their urgent problems and core buying motivations and dissolve those $$$ barriers!
  • Erradicate any sense of hard-sells or sneaky tactics becasue when you're talking to the right person, with the right message, at the right time - authenticity and TRUE value reign supreme!

"...opportunities abound when you can connect YOUR value to those who need it most!"

I highly recommend this workshop because it has helped me to unpack my Avatar and provide me with some writing tips for my marketing.


I loved the detail the detail on developing my avatar and linking the copy.


I loved all about Avatar – learning the depth to go and why and how to tweak my avatar and copy writing tips. Great steps and easy to understand. I highly recommend this workshop because it is full of valuable content that you can take away and use straight away in your business.


I enjoyed this workshop as it gave great insight into marketing and knowing your focus. Great morning


Thoroughly enjoyed today's workshop, very informative with lots of takeaways to implement


I love Carmel’s presentation style – She’s funny and wise and delivers so much really valuable information. Every time I see Carmel I learn more about my avatar, my target and how I can become unstuck. Thank you. 


The Best Time To Start Is... Now!

Don't wait another year to sort this 'Avatar' stuff out. Better results are always on the other side of clarity!

"If you try and market to everyone... you'll sell to no one"
- The Avatar Queen


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