Attention… business owners… increase cash flow now by using better sales copy.
“Imagine Being Able To Quickly Increase Your Revenue Streams While Clawing Back More Enjoyment And Free Time Simply By Using Better Sales Copy!”
That’s exactly what “Turning Words Into Dollars” allows you to do. It’s got a proven track record of using good copy to increase revenue.
If you have something to sell… and you want to sell it fast… the single most effective way of achieving higher sales revenues quickly, is with the power of persuasive words.
Gary Halbert, one of the most successful copywriters of all time noted that…
“The ability to write ads and letters that sell is by far the most wonderful moneymaking skill you could ever acquire. If you master this skill, you should never again have to worry about money.”
The better you are at using the persuasive power of words, the higher your revenue streams. Its moneymaking on your terms and it happens as quickly as you can turn words into dollars.
If you’re a business owner, consultant, coach, service provider or holistic practitioner, and you’d like to seriously boost your revenues, either online or offline…
…then "Turning Words Into Dollars" is for you.
"Turning Words Into Dollars" is a two day LIVE online training that helps you generate more revenue by writing better sales copy.
*Next LIVE event date 2021 to be confirmed*
Please email to access the RECORDED version today!
If you can’t make it to any or all of the live sessions… don’t worry, you’ll get video recordings of all sessions as soon as we can get them to you. You’ll be able to watch over and over so you can take your time developing each step you’ll learn. And you’ll get access to proven templates, exercises and success coaching from one Australia most recognised business mentors. (Voted in the top 1% in Australia as recognised by LinkedIn)
Even if you don’t have a business yet, and you're feeling underpaid and unappreciated at work… and you love words and you’re looking for a different way to earn income… there’s no better time than now to begin earning money by working from home in an industry that will never make you redundant…
It’s a known fact that revenue growth begins when more people say yes to using you, your products or services. What’s not so well known is how to get more people to say “YES”.
I’m going to give you a chance to change that…
If you’re in the business of helping people achieve solutions and satisfy desires… AND you want to increase your revenue, then you need an authentic and confident way of sharing your value so you can attract more clients.
Here’s what you’ll learn on day one…
Session #1
How to write magnetic eye-catching headlines and how to persuasively satisfy the most important subconscious questions that must be answered before a purchase is made.
Session #2
How… in one sentence… you can position yourself, your value and your experience so that it gives more customers exactly what they’re looking for.
Session #3
How to position your value and products or services better than anyone else so they become irresistible to the people looking for the solutions you offer.
Session #4
How to use tangible timelines to improve acceptance and demand for your products and services.
Session #5
How to get more customers to recognise the true value behind your products and services and how they can immediately benefit from that value.
Here’s what you’ll learn on day two…
Session #6
How to best position case studies, success of others and testimonials as proof that what you offer works. And I’ll share with you the formula that your testimonials must take for high believability and impact.
Session #7
Is all about risk reversal and how you can exponentially increase your sales through satisfying the brain’s pre-cognitive desires for safety, trust and survival.
Session #8
How to turn fence sitters into buyers by banishing the cognitive dissonance of “will I or won’t I” from people’s decision making.
Session #9
This is an important but overlooked part of the process… especially for online businesses. I’ll take you through the steps of reassuring the active “regret avoidance” part of purchase decision making.
Session #10
How to use “future pacing” and “me centric introspection” to move even the most determined procrastinators into positive decision makers.
Each session increases your skill at using a style of writing that influences and persuades and guides readers to the outcomes they seek… to solve a problem or satisfy a desire.
There’ll be breaks between sessions and each session will have examples, hands on practice and feedback before moving onto the next session.
I can’t wait to share this and more with you...
Helen Ryan
project Consultant helped me get out of my academic style writing into using the words my potential market likes to hear.
Terri Adams-Munn
Ten Thousand Dreams
Loved the whole process - even though my brain is tired now :) Thank you for creating such a quality offering!!
Nicole Ashby
HIgh Profit Media
Thoroughly enjoying the second day of copywriting online training. I love to learn and upskill where I can, especially when it relates to generating further revenue!
Allow me to introduce myself
Greetings… my name’s Paul Counsel… a former broke businessperson turned multimillionaire. I struggled financially for 13 years as a small business owner. Then I discovered how to turn words into dollars and rocked my revenues to multiple 7 figures. I’ve since built four multimillion-dollar businesses from the ground up.
For years now, I’ve been teaching business owners how to use the persuasive power of words to rocket their sales and grow their revenues. As a result, I’m one of the most in-demand business mentors in Australia and make more money in a few weeks than I previously did in a few years.
Recently, my sense of urgency to share my secrets of success has increased tenfold because of the rapid economic change and future uncertainty we’re facing. I want to give my knowledge to as many people and business owners as I can so that they have more income now and more control and certainty over future lifestyle revenue.
Currently, one of the biggest challenges facing business owners is sluggish and unpredictable revenue streams.
Another problem is not knowing how to write good copy… or get better at writing sales copy that gives you more control over increasing revenues.
With more control, you have more choice over present and future lifestyles. With more choice, you have more independence and freedom along with future certainty and revenue predictability.
But… not knowing how to write better sales copy creates another problem… who do you get to write good copy for you?
It can feel like a scary gamble just thinking about getting a copywriter to represent you, your product and your voice and increase your sales at the same time.
If you don’t already know a good copywriter, it’s a bit like rolling the dice at a casino… ‘the odds are more in their favour than yours’.
So rather than take a gamble on paying high fees and not getting something that works for you, the best solution is to learn to write good copy yourself.
And that’s exactly what I’ll teach you:
"Turning Words Into Dollars" is all about using specific words and persuasive formats combined with coaching and proven strategies to get you more sales through writing better copy.
At this point, you might be wondering
“What’s In It For Me?”
Great question… While the benefits are many, there are three that stand head and shoulders over others.
Boost Sales Revenue
The first is the very real possibility of boosting your sales revenues to levels that give you more independence and freedom. The more people your copy can help solve a problem or satisfy a desire… the more revenue you generate.
Save Money
The second is the real savings you’ll make. When you multiply the number of times you get good copywriters to write for you… by the number of years they write for you, your dollar savings can amount to tens of $thousands.
Life-time Earning Potential
The third and perhaps most important benefit is that, along with the extra revenue you’ll earn, you’ll never be made redundant or be out of fashion ever.
You’ll never have to go to university and be indebted for years with university fees and spiraling interest payments...
You’ll never be overqualified, too old, too young, or too inexperienced.
None of societies suffocating norms will apply to you. Its money making on your terms, because machines and AI can’t empathise and write good copy.
And good copy can’t be outsourced to foreign writers because they don’t have access to the cultural and societal nuances that create compelling and persuasive copy.
You won’t have to stress or worry about future income. And you’ll work your own hours either on or offline.
If you can write with warmth, if you can write in simple and clear terms, you can learn to write good copy. And if you want to generate more revenue, it’s a critical skill you should learn.
The good thing about copywriting is that you don’t have to write like Shakespeare or Hemingway to get high income results.
You could expect to see new results within a matter of days...
If you already have a business, you could be turning ideas into new cash flow results within a few days of getting your new copy out to your audience.
Yes, that’s right… if you have a business… you could expect new results almost immediately, especially if you already have a marketing campaign in place.
And this is exactly what happened to Bryan…
He was running Facebook Ad Campaigns that sent prospects to a sales page offering solutions to what they were looking for.
And while he was making more money than his Facebook ads cost him…he felt his sales page wasn’t converting as much as he liked.
After looking at the words he was using, I gave Bryan a template to change his sales copy and within days he was producing more revenue.
Within a week, Bryan produced a revenue increase of 300%.
The value you receive from turning words into dollars is peerless …
The lifetime value of a new skill is priceless.
If you look at the immediate value… all you need is one or two sales you might not have otherwise gained… and your tuition fees are more than covered.
Every sale after that is a Return On Investment increase.
The cost of this weekend of powerful income generating copy training has been heavily discounted from $2997 to $397… for the weekend training. We've done this in consideration of the difficult economic times we're facing. We want you to get the very best training for the smallest possible price.
(Please note... when economic conditions return to normal, the price for this training will return to $2997, so I hope you take advantage of the current discount.)
As soon as you gain $398 in sales you have an immediate Return On Investment.
“There is no other skill that can make you as much money or give you as much leverage in any business as that of copywriting. You can change the words in your current advertising, and without spending a dime more on marketing, you can literally multiply your revenue. I don’t know of any other skill that can do that.”
- Ray Edwards, copywriter for entrepreneurs such as Tony Robbins, Jeff Walker, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen and Jack Canfield to name a few…
And because you’ll be able to apply these lessons over and over, year after year, your return on this one investment will increase every week, month and year from now on.
Think of copywriting as a new business within your existing business. You can spend tens of $thousands buying a small business or hundreds of thousands buying franchises.
But you’ll never buy a business as cheap as learning to write good copy and no other business has as much potential to produce skyrocketing revenues without any overheads.
And it’s not only the money you’ll make, it’s the lost money and opportunity you’ll save.
When you write good copy, you decrease the number of potential sales that slip through your fingers because you haven’t used the right words to express your core value message…
… it’s time to change and never let it happen again.
The benefits of turning words into dollars are in the results you get…
Here’s the reason I learned to write copy.
I don’t say this to brag… but just to give you a bit of context.
Throughout the 1980’s and early 90’s, I struggled to sell my products and services. And, as you could imagine… when my debts and bills surpassed my income, stress levels became frantic.
Something had to give…
The short story is that in 1994, I decided to turn my world upside down and change everything I was doing. This resulted in making my first $million towards the end of 1997.
(I’ve written about this in three books called the Psychology Of Wealth… The Mechanics Of Wealth… and The Essentials Of Wealth)
As you could imagine, such a dramatic transformation caught everybody by surprise… especially those I hadn’t seen for a while.
All of a sudden, they wanted to know how I did it. And although I was happy to tell them. It’s not exactly a fifteen-minute answer.
As an informal process over a weekend, I began telling people how each step led to the next step.
But then more and more people wanted to learn.
So I hired a room and started using whiteboards and diagrams and answering all their questions.
As time progressed, their success led to others wanting to know more.
And it wasn’t long before I was speaking to hundreds of people in lecture theaters all around the country.
These events became so popular that I had to hire an advertising firm to write copy announcing events in Perth, Hobart, Melbourne and all the way up to Brisbane.
But after a year or so, I became disillusioned with how I was being portrayed in newspapers and other printed media. I didn’t like the hype and over the top promises.
It just wasn’t me...
So I sacked the advertising firm and decided to represent myself in advertisements and newsprint.
(Panic Music Plays In My Head…) I didn’t know the first thing about writing copy.
At the time… around 2000… I discovered that one of Australia’s major newspapers employed an old advertising pro to look after their print library.
And after badgering the newspaper for weeks for a meeting, they finally invited me into their “inner sanctum”.
I wanted to learn everything I could in terms of “direct response copy”.
Tony… must have appreciated my enthusiasm and energy because he invited me back into the library the next week.
My eagerness to learn… and his desire to pass on knowledge… ended up as a long-term friendship.
Three core lessons that Tony taught have stuck with me ever since...
Tell the truth… don’t manipulate… but direct the desire of readers seeking solutions via words that influence and persuade.
As it turned out, these were powerful lessons and over the next few years… my business profits rocketed to multiple millions.
I’ve now passed on these powerful lessons to hundreds of business owners and helped hundreds of others start new businesses.
Within a short period of time I have increased my income by 25% simply by applying the things I learned. And have felt a sense of achievement which 12 months ago I never thought would be possible."
Before working with Paul, I was doing work that was physically demanding, rushed and low paid. The work environment was negative, unsupportive and generally unhappy. I had no money for travelling, or socialising activities that involved extra costs. The small business that I was running on the side was barely making a profit.
The mentoring I received from Paul Counsel helped me develop business partnerships that lead to increased income. He saved me massive amounts of time and energy going down paths that are unproductive or unsustainable.
Yvette Diaz - Videographer, Founder - Astute Digital Marketing
Working with Paul Counsel was the best decision I ever made. Having owned several businesses in the past, I was exhausted from working 70 hours a week for little return. In 2013, I decided to become an employee again, thinking it would give me a relaxed work-life balance. Boy was I wrong! I was more stressed than ever.
Then I met Paul Counsel. Through his mentoring and guidance, I have been able to work from home for the last 12 months, earning income from over 10 different sources.
My income is higher than it's ever been and I get to be home with the kids. If I knew what I know now, back when I was a business owner, my business would have generated so much more income.
Monica Meakins - Entrepreneur
"So many "ah ha" moments today. Neural pathways firing and rewiring all at the same time. An inner explosion of awesomeness. Love learning how to craft my current writing skills into copy writing skills. Let the learning bombs continue followed by implementation so that knowledge maybe formed". Gratitude Paul
FIONA JEANNE - Founder of The Purposeful Warrior
"I used to think of sales as a negative thing and definitely would not have considered myself a sales person or the best sales person for my business. Paul Counsel and Carmel Murphy share great marketing content in an understandable and implementable way which I have not experienced before. And, I will never look at sales and marketing the same way again! I’m so pleased I said yes and jumped in on the course"
NICOLE KENNET - Founder and Owner of Pernickety. Registered IR and HR Consultants Australia
If you want these powerful lessons to help rocket your revenue… here’s my best 100% money back guarantee
I want to give you as much reassurance as I possibly can…
And there’s two ways I can do this.
One way is to guarantee that what you learn has a proven track record of success behind it.
Another way is to fully guarantee your investment of time and money.
So, please accept my no nonsense, risk reversal, satisfaction sated… barrier busting… fear of wasting your time removal… loss of face “protection”… no spot light interrogation… no evil looks… no awkward questions… no silent treatment… no social out-casting… and no dismissive snarls with up curled lips when asking for your money back…
If, after the first day’s training, or anytime during the first day’s training, you think that what you’re learning is not suitable for you… or what I’m teaching is a load of nonsense… or any reason whatsoever that causes you to not want to progress… simply ask for your money back and it’ll happen as soon as we can get it to you.
And you can still keep the bonuses you’ll receive!
Justin paul
MOney ANd Time
I've made a commitment to make Copy Writing a part of my business and marketing expertise for life!
Alison Felton
Adelaide Hills Wellness
I love the clarity around the steps and use of formulas as a starting point. Paul is a wealth of knowledge.
Brendan Murphy
Hugely worthwhile session, and not only will I use it directly, it also helps on assisting me to look at what my colleagues are prepping and writing.
To speed your success:
BONUS... “How To Convert Fence Sitters Into High Paying Clients”.
As an added bonus for the first ten people to register for "Turning Words Into Dollars"…
You’ll receive a FREE one-hour online training on… “How To Convert Fence Sitters Into High Paying Clients”.
This extra bonus training is my inside secrets on how to get people to happily pay you more. This extra bonus is strictly limited to the first 10 individuals who register because this allows me to spend more time on everyone’s copy.
To get this extra training… you must contact and tell her that “you want in”… but you must be in the first ten who register for "Turning Words Into Dollars".
Turning Words Into Dollars
Registering is easy!
When you click the "Turning Words Into Dollars" button below… you’ll be taken to a secure Payment and Zoom registration system where every detail you enter will be encrypted so none of your information can be hacked.
Secure Payment
On the payment page, you’ll see a secure lock icon on the left of the URL bar where the web address can be found.
That means this page is securely encrypted and everything is safe. You can pay via PayPal (the blue button) or your credit card (the grey button).
The payment page will look like this:
Success Confirmation!
Once you’ve entered your details… you’ll be taken to a Thank You page which looks like this… The thank you and payment pages will confirm that you’re in the right place and that you’ve successfully reserved your 'seat'.
Zoom Webinar Link
Once you’re confirmed… you’ll be sent Zoom Registration links for the training via email. Make sure you give us your best email address to save missing out because we don’t want anything to end up in your junk folder.
And rest assured… your email will be treated with the utmost privacy and will never be passed on… ever!
Make sure you register on Zoom as soon as you can… don’t wait until the last minute because I don’t want you to miss any of the valuable training because of an IT challenge.
We’re here to help… so make sure you let us know if you have any problem with your Zoom Registration Link, email and let her know if you need support.
Your future is important…
turning words into dollars gives you more control, predictability and certainty over your future income!
If you already have a business, your sales will increase when you use the right words at the right time to the right people searching for the products and services you offer.
Your learning will be the best investment you’ll ever make because it gives you more control over future income.
If you want to start a new career… With the right support and guidance, you could begin a fulfilling new career that could earn enough money to give you financial independence in the years ahead.
And if you love words…
You'll be able to...
turn words into dollars from the comfort of your own home.
You'll be able to...
sack bosses who demand more and more from you.
You'll be able to...
reduce overwhelm and unsafe feelings due to the uncertain economic times.
You'll be able to...
work your own hours to your own rhythm and flow schedules.
And best of all…
you’ll feel more in control because you're NOT at the mercy of someone else's failing business... You'll know how to connect with more customers via your words!
having more time and money to do more things you're passionate about... because you've learnt to rocket your revenue faster than ever before!
Here’s something I understand because I’ve been there many times before. I understand what it feels like to be standing at a crossroads in terms of decision making.
At the crossroads, each pathway gives you a choice…
The pathway of sameness means you continue as you are and nothing changes. If that’s your preference, you needn’t do anything further.
The pathway of promise is full of adventure and new results. And, if you’re successful, it gives you more control, certainty and predictability over your future income needs.
If you choose this pathway, I’ll be there to support you. As will the supportive community we’ve developed over the years.
One pathway feels safer because it’s the path you’ve always been on. I don’t blame you for wanting to stay on this pathway. Its familiar, its known, and its secure because you already know what the results are.
The other pathway is unfamiliar, it can be scary because the results are unknown and self-doubt can play on your mind.
My results always came from choosing the pathway that offered the most promise...
I encourage you to choose the pathway of promise.
As mentioned earlier, I want to remove as much risk as I can by guaranteeing the return of your payment if this journey is not suitable for you. I can also guarantee that the information I’ll give you is cutting edge and that it has worked for me and countless others.
I can guarantee that it has worked for hundreds of students who have also stood at these crossroads and choose the pathway to promise.
In "Turning Words Into Dollars", you’ll receive the same high converting template I gave Bryan so that you can follow every step in the process.
I’ll show you a step by step process of turning everyday words into sentences that offer compelling solutions to the things people want to buy.
We’ll practice everything in a hands-on way. You’ll get feedback on improving what you write, and you’ll get to watch as I and other copy pros help turn your words into persuasive copy.
I hope you choose the pathway of promise...
And your investment of time and money… is only $397 for the whole weekend and bonuses… AND it’s guaranteed by our 100% money back offer.
However, if the path of sameness has too strong a pull over you… I completely understand and maybe it’s just not your time yet. At some time in the future, more revenue might become your high priority.
And when it does… I hope my training will still be around to serve you.
Here’s to your further success in 2020 and beyond.
Paul Counsel
Leeann Kime
Well Beyond Yoga
It has been such a wonderful experience for me. I feel like a different person already. There has been a big shift in awareness. Thank you all.
terri Adams-Munn
I loved the whole thing! Was dubious about it to be honest going in, simply because of the online platform rather than it being in person. The way everything was delivered and managed made the learning environment just spot on. Thank you!
Kylie Nicholls
Awesome stuff! Lots to takeaway and build on.
Turning Words Into Dollars is a two day online training
*Next LIVE event date 2021 to be confirmed*
Please email to access the RECORDED version today!
Once successfully registered you will receive Zoom Webinar links to your inbox.
POST EVENT: Recordings will be available to ALL who register via a private membership area.