
3 Things To Make Video Marketing Easier

The first time I tried making a marketing video, I cried.  It took me 26 hours to make it, and I never even published it! Creating video is easier said than done when you’re unsure of what you’re doing.  When you don’t know what to say or how to edit them to make them look and sound professional.  When you’re beating yourself up that you should know how to do it by now… but it’s just taking sooooo much time to learn!

It wasn’t until I got to the other side of that embarrassing video that I realised three things would definitely help me next time…

And I’ve been using these for years ever since!

Here are my top 3 things to make video marketing a whole lot easier:

#1 A Clear Strategy

Two things ring true in all my clients – confusion and overwhelm with marketing, sales, and growing their business online.  They’ve bought endless courses.  Attended countless webinars, workshops and events.  Spent thousands of dollars trying to find answers.  And are deeply frustrated by marketing promises that never eventuate for them.  And that’s not to say they haven’t tried.  And it’s not to say the packages and programmes weren’t filled with valuable content.  It’s simply often challenging to translate someone else’s system to your unique business circumstances!

Finding a strategy that works for you.  Your circumstances.  Your business.  Your available time-frame.  It’s vital for long-term sustainability and ENERGY levels.  Marketing quickly becomes soul-sapping and exhausting when the content you create and publish does little to boost your bottom line.

That’s why I’m passionate about basing any online marketing strategy on the foundations of video content.  If you were to prune away all the options and create only ONE type of marketing content.  Video is a no brainer.

Since about 2010 video marketing content has been on the rise – and the cost has reduced significantly over the last 12 years (you can simply use your phone or inexpensive online video makers).  Now with social media becoming one of the key ways to get your message in-front of your prospects – all the research statistics prove video offers the most leverage! In fact, a video in a post increases traffic from search results by 157% (Prosperity Media) and Google’s research shows that 6 out of 10 people would rather watch online videos than television (Biteable).

Of course – now you’ve decided to focus on a video strategy, the next step is to understand two important things:

The first is knowing the difference between content marketing, and direct response marketing.  And then deciding what type(s) of videos, you will create for each one - because there is a difference! 

Content marketing is all about being present online, building likeability and trust in prospective clients and buyers, and consistently priming and seeding your message.  Direct response marketing is about moving prospects through your sales funnel.  There is always a call to action at the end for what you want someone to do next.

So, a simple video marketing strategy will have two ‘arms’: Prime & Seed Content and Direct Response Content.

You can then choose what FORMAT of video will best suit your message (and skill level) for each one.  Some prefer simply picking up their phone and going live.  Some will enjoy the creativity of animated and kinetic text software.  Others will like sharing their screens and recording voice-overs.  The thing to know is it doesn’t matter which one you choose.  The most important thing is you DO IT and understand WHY you’re doing it!

Ask yourself: What am I trying to achieve with each video?  

That’s where you’ll start each and every time you create one.

#2 Uncomplicated & Inexpensive Tech

“But I’m no good with tech.”

“I couldn’t do that!”

“That would take me hours!”

“I don’t know which one to choose….”

These words shoot out of business owners’ mouths in a flash.  Little do they know – I used to say the EXACT same things when it came to growing my business online.  It was limiting beliefs such as these that were keeping a lid firmly DOWN on my income! 

So, what did I do to overcome the ‘tech-fear’ holding me back?  I found someone I could trust to show me. The quickest way to the money… is to find someone already doing what you want and get in their flow of wisdom! 

The best thing I learned in this process – was a user-friendly online video maker and editing suite.  And it wasn’t an exorbitant price either!  I didn’t fork out thousands of dollars for software with so many bells and whistles I wouldn’t use 99% of the time.

There are many online video makers and apps to choose from, and doing some research will help you choose the best one for you.  Just remember simplicity is key.  Video marketing should take minutes.  Not hours.  Not days.  Choose one with ready-made templates to fast-track the creative process.  Choose one with a library of stock photos, stock videos, stock music at your fingertips.  Choose one with an ACTIVE support service that can answer your questions any time of the day.

Now – when it comes to the equipment involved in video creation – it’s easy to blow your budget and think you have to buy fancy lights and screens and cameras and microphones…

But you don’t.  At least not straight away.  Because remember it will depend on two things:

1.  What TYPE/FORMAT of video will be the easiest for you to learn fast.

2.  WHY you are creating that video in the first place!

Your strategy determined in #1 above will decide what purchases (if any) are required.

Keep it simple.  And keep all that extra energy you could be wasting trying to learn tech you don’t need for the most crucial part of your video – the MESSAGE!

#3 A Magnetic Message

| *Insert *Cursor * Flashing*





This is what scares the bejeesus out of many people.  The ‘writing’ side of video creation.  The message.

The ‘what the heck am I going to say?’ question propels procrastination and squashes any sense of momentum.

The intriguing thing is – most people know their message inside their heads.  But when it comes to articulating it clearly, confidently, and with undeniable influence.  They freeze.  Go blank. Gobbledygook rushes out – as they try to overcome their uncertainty with false authority.  And let me tell you this – if you’re unsure of your message, you can bet your bottom dollar your prospects are too!

The KEY to successful marketing is knowing your message will connect and resonate with your target market.  Whether video.  Text.  Audio.  Or images.  Each component must be carefully selected to appeal to your ideal prospects. 

How can you ensure this happens?

There are two things to do, and please DON’T skip over the first one.  You’ve likely heard it before.  But without out it, you will forever be stuck in the exhausting ‘spray and pray’ cycle.  You want to KNOW your message is magnetic to the right people… BEFORE you waste any more time creating content!

The first thing to do is get REALLY CLEAR on your ideal client/ customer.  And not just their basic demographics and interests.  But their deep psychological drivers and buying motivations.  Their needs, wants, fears, challenges – and their most intimate desires.

But, what do you do with this information once you’ve collated it?

Please don’t leave it in a forgotten file somewhere on your computer!

Print it out and keep it in prime position on your desk.  Stick it on the wall.  Make an avatar board with images and keywords, and phrases.  Do whatever it is you need to do to NEVER forget WHO your message should be targeting.

The second step is to find some video script templates and formulas to aid the script-writing side of video marketing.  Now scripts don’t have to be long.  Nor do they have to be complicated.  But do find some formulas based on proven influence and persuasion principles.  Some that have been proven to work.  And that are easy for you to SEE where all that information you now KNOW about your ideal prospect can slot into place.

Now writing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.  I get it.  So, if you prefer talking, switch on your voice recording app on your phone and talk your way through the script formula.  Forget being perfect and simply get the ideas recorded somewhere.  In the correct order.  Following the template/formula.

THEN listen back to what you said or jotted down.

You’ll find you DO know your message.  And you can turn those ideas into simple sentences that are now perfectly targeted to the audience you can help the most.

If all else fails, find someone who can elicit this information from you. Get them to ask you the questions required to fill in the script.  Now you’re simply talking to a friend.  The language you use will be much more friendly and inviting than the stilted gobbledygook your panicking brain throws up!

And again – remember WHY you need the script in the first place.  Is it for content marketing?  Or direct response marketing?  This simple question will always ensure you’re creating the correct type of video for the right intention!

What next?

I get it – it's easy to read about it all in an article, but you're probably wondering HOW you can do all of this for your situation right now.  In the limited time, you have to do it!

If there's one thing my clients say is most helpful, it's having someone else to help show them 'what to do' so they can relieve the overwhelm and pressure – and just go do it! 

If having someone help you define your target market, message, refine your marketing, and put it all together in a video script that gets you more leads is of interest to you.  I want to offer you my help. 

Simply use this link to book an obligation-free session with me, and together we'll figure out how you can start leveraging video marketing to your business growing advantage too.

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Video Scripts: How To Match Your Message To Their Minds, Successfully!

The basis of marketing is communication.  
No, scrub that; the basis of marketing is effective communication.  
Nope, scrub that again; the basis of marketing is influential communication…
Ah – no, final scrub: The basis of marketing is influencing decision-making!

Whose decision-making are we trying to influence?

Your ideal prospects, of course!

Many things get in the way of people saying 'YES' to you, your marketing, advertising, freebies, offers, products, and programmes.  Video content or not.

Whether it's distractions or disinterest, the good news is that you can do things to significantly improve your acceptance and conversion rates.

Do they take some time to learn?  Sure.

But will they increase your click-throughs and revenue?  Oh yeah!

Look at anyone already profitable in your industry, and you'll see the proof.  The 'top-guns' use principles of influence and persuasion in all the marketing content and strategies they roll out. 

If you're unaware of this, or unaware of how you can use them too… well business will likely become overwhelmingly frustrating rather than fun and fulfilling – fast!

After years of reading books on influence and persuasion.

After years of learning about human psychology and motivations.

After years of growing a business and finally getting to 'grips' with what marketing really is.

I finally 'saw' what I could do to harness the invisible rope that ties marketing to profitability.

Here are three crucial concepts to understand – to ensure you can grab onto that rope too!

#1: Target Universal Human Desires

When crafting an influential marketing message such as a video script, it can be challenging to know where to start.  One of the best things you can do is to clarify what fundamental needs, values and drives will motivate your ideal prospects to take action.

Steven Reiss's theory of motivation is a great starting point.  After studying over 6000 people, he proposes 16 Basic Desires that we all experience at one time or another.

Acceptance, Curiosity, Eating, Family, Honor, Idealism, Independence, Order, Physical activity, Power, Romance, Saving, Social contact, Social status, Tranquility, and Vengeance.

Reading through this list – can you identify where your offer best fits?  Can you determine which desire(s) you can help satisfy for your prospects?

You may need to do some further research and learning.  And that's ok.  Just use this as a starting exercise to identify at least one desire within your ideal prospect you can target.

Got it?


Now what?

Excellent question – the next section will help you expand on this more, but first, there's one thing that MOST marketers get wrong.

That is: It is not your job to CREATE desire for your product/service/offer via your message.

The role of your message is to amplify it.  Make it burn brighter.  Create urgency within them to have it satisfied.

Know that those deep desires already exist within them.  Your job is to simply connect your message to them – and never let them forget you have the answer to satisfying them!

#2: Communicate To The Correct Part Of The Brain

You've probably heard the saying before: People purchase based on emotions, not logic.

But how do you actually craft an emotionally inspiring message?  How do you actually 'do' the 'illogical' part of marketing, well?

The first is to retake a look at that saying.  Here's how I'd reword it:  People make emotional decisions first and then look for logical reasons to justify their purchase!

To start using this effectively in your messaging, you need to understand the critical results years and years of brain science research prove.  But don't worry, you don't need a PHD in neuroscience to 'get' how to adapt the findings to marketing.  Thankfully people who have come before have done this successfully! 

Simply know there is a particular part of the brain where instinctual urges and primal emotions drive decision making 40 million times FASTER than the conscious, rational mind.  It is this part of the brain your message needs to target FIRST.  Everything from the words, images, audio, colours, design, and FEEL of your marketing content need to be crafted with this part of the brain at the front of YOUR mind first.

Luckily this part of the brain was wired a VERY long time ago.  Instincts.  Primal urges.  And lightning speed reactions are fundamentally cased in the old: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Feed, Reproduce, responses.  Knowing this, reveals the keys to influencing decision-making: Primal needs, emotions, and desires!

So, if you did the exercise in Section #1 above – you’ll now be able to expand that desire to include the primal EMOTIONS surrounding it.  Deep, guttural, can't-ignore-them emotions such as love, lust, joy, relief, pride, surprise, anger, envy, disgust, shame, isolation, regret, fear…

What emotions are stirring in your avatar already?  What would they rather be experiencing and feeling instead?

Highlighting the contrast between the 'before' and 'after' experiences and emotions in your message are highly influential when it comes to triggering action!

#3: This has all been done before… somewhere… by someone!

Ok.  Before you get defensive about how your business is different to any other.  That your IP is ground-breaking.  That your offer is incomparable.  I get it.  Maybe it is.  And sure, it's definitely a great selling feature (if you know how to word it with influence), but here's the deal:

Marketing has been around for decades.

Influence and persuasion are based on fundamental principles that WORK.

What you need to do to get your message 'out-there' and consumed by the right people has already been determined and done successfully.  By someone.  Somewhere. And it’s been systemised. Templated. And refined.

So, have you found them yet?

Have you done your research?

Too often, I see business owners fail to grow their businesses BECAUSE they haven't done their target market and niche/industry research.

There's no point having a 'great idea'… without knowing if it'll be profitable in the long run.

So, if you haven't already – go find at least ten people in your industry or niche ALREADY successfully promoting and marketing a message.  What are they doing?  How do they target your audience?  What do they say?  What do they promise?  What desires are they amplifying?  Where are the gaps?  What aren't they saying?

Now – this is NOT about copying their marketing.

It's NOT about plagiarising.

It's about starting from a known point of reference and adapting a proven process.  Being CREATIVE with proven marketing systems and formulas.

Now – if you struggle to find some leaders to follow, simply turn directly to the Direct Response Marketing niche – and observe WHAT the big-guns are doing and using.

They never start from scratch.

They follow templates, formulas, and scripts proven to work over and over again. They strategically adapt these to their own business and marketing situations.

So, my only question is: Are you?

Find ONE video script formula.  And follow it.  Fill in the gaps with what you know about your target market, their desires, emotions, problems… and your fantastic offer.

There's plenty of time to be confused later…

Do what has the best chance of being successful now.

Do your research.  And let it inform your next steps.

Find your go-to script formulas.  And use them to match your message to their minds – and watch out for what happens next!

In Conclusion:

Use universal human desires to your marketing advantage.

Use decision-making science to your high-conversion benefit. 

Use what's already (and easily) available to you to get ahead.

But, it's a lot, right?

I get it – it's easy to read about it all in an article, but you're probably wondering HOW you can do all of this for your situation right now.  In the limited time, you have to do it!

If there's one thing my clients say, it's having someone else to help show them 'what to do' so they can relieve the overwhelm and pressure – and just go do it! 

If having someone help you define your target market, message, refine your marketing, and put it all together in a video script that gets you more leads is of interest to you.  I want to offer you my help.  

Simply use this link to book an obligation-free session with me, and together we'll figure out how you can start to use the 3 Crucial Concepts above to your marketing and business growing advantage too.

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3 Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid In 2022

Marketing can be confusing, complicated and time-consuming. When it comes to choosing a strategy and implementing it consistently, you’re not the only one who might be feeling a tad overwhelmed.

So, if there’s just one thing to prioritise this year in your marketing, I believe it has to be video content.


Because whether it’s promotional, sales, or social media, video trumps all other formats when it comes to Visibility & Engagement, Searchability, and Return On Investment.

Visibility & Engagement – look at any marketing research, and you’ll find video is eclipsing all other formats. For instance, video ranks as consumers favourite type of social media content from brands and 93% of marketers have gotten a new client thanks to a marketing video (Animoto).

Searchability – keyword load video titles and descriptions, and search engines will love them!

Return On Investment – once uploaded to sharing sites, videos can keep driving traffic to your website/sales funnel for years and years. Very different to text/image posts that literally disappear in hours… minutes…

But! As fantastic as videos can be for improving engagement, leads, sales, and clients… there are a few things to watch out for. Here are the 3 worst video marketing mistakes to avoid this year (with some handy tips to help you)!

Mistake #1:   Not doing it

If you’re avoiding video marketing… stop it! The time has passed where you could get away with NOT producing video marketing content. These days video is being prioritised and favoured by social media algorithms. And consumers are consuming it like never before.

But as I see too often, many businesses hesitate to add video creation to their list of things ‘to-do’. The most common beliefs holding people back are creating video content is too complicated (new tech to learn and equipment to set up), too expensive to outsource, and it feels too scary to put their face to camera – and become the ‘face’ of the business!

Then, of course, is the curse of not knowing what to say once you’ve decided to start…

If you’re NOT creating video content for any of these reasons, you’re not alone. The good news is creating videos doesn’t have to be complicated and time-consuming; it doesn’t have to be expensive, and you definitely don’t have to put your face on camera if you don’t want to! In fact, there are specific online video makers that allow you to streamline your video creation down to minutes…

The quickest I’ve made (including all editing) is under 10mins.

Yes, that includes music, animation and branding!

Mistake #2:  Boring viewers

If someone has stopped to watch your video… congratulations, you’ve passed the biggest hurdle in marketing – grabbing attention! Now comes the second hurdle… maintaining that attention to communicate your message. And you don’t have long before they click off! The first 3 to 10 seconds of any video is crucial. So, whatever is the most important thing you have to say – make sure it’s at the beginning of your video. 

Now, the most important thing is likely NOT what you think it is. It’s not who you are. It’s not what you’re selling. It’s not the price. And it’s definitely not the fact that you’re ‘excited’ to show them something!

The most important thing to put at the front of any marketing video is something that identifies the viewer is in the right place - and needs to stick around!

What can you lead with?

How about a big-juicy promise of what they will get from watching, or how about leading with the most significant benefit to them, or the problem you can help fix. The key to this is it must speak directly to THEM. So ask yourself: What do they need to hear/see within the first 3-10 seconds to know this video is for them?

Then… keep the rest of the video as concise as possible. Videos under 3 minutes is an excellent goalpost to aim for.

Oh – and definitely find a script template to follow – proven script templates save many headaches.

Mistake #3:  Only making ONE

This is where the perceived COST seems to hold people back from consistently producing video content. Often because a business has had a promotional video made for their website in the past… and after spending thousands of dollars with a videographer… they can’t afford to do it again, and again, and again!

The big myth in video marketing is it has to be super professional, perfectly curated, expertly edited before being available to the public. Fears of looking ‘unprofessional’ get in the way of leveraging the video boom online.

If the rise of Tiktok and Reels and Live video tell you anything, it’s that consumers LOVE real, raw, authentic video content. But this doesn’t mean you have to dance, make silly faces, or become someone you’re not. All it means is you don’t have to pay someone to create videos to ‘movie’ standard. You simply need to find the right type of video creation that best suits you and your business.

Whether it’s animated text, whiteboard explainers, voiceovers, screen sharing, or face-to-camera. It doesn’t matter – just ensure you create them consistently and know how to put them to work for you BEYOND sitting on your website’s home page!

Let’s go!

As you can see – video marketing doesn’t have to be a big, expensive, scary thing anymore. But it does need to become a key component in your marketing strategy to stay ahead of the curve.

Video marketing is a priority in my business. Are you ready to make it in yours too?

I invite you to download >>The Top 5 Videos To Use In Your Marketing Now To Attract MORE Clients Online<<< 

Inside there is also a link to training where you’ll discover which online video maker I use to cut my video creation from hours to minutes… and my favourite promo video script too.

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If You’re Not Making Videos – Are You Falling Behind?

The rise of video happened whilst many of us were distracted trying to figure out how to make our website, figure out social media, and replace our paychecks all at the same time!

As a boomer who escaped the corporate world to pursue dreams of financial freedom and independence, the tech world has proven more time consuming and more frustrating than I ever expected.

So when I finally decided to learn how to create marketing videos to promote my biz – I was hesitant…

More tech stuff, really!?

But the more I ventured into the world of video marketing, the more I realised the leverage video content provides for increasing engagement, conversions and sales.

From those ugly first attempts, to crying over my keyboard as I tackled complicated editing suites, to finally finding an easy, fast way to create professional promo videos (in as little as 10 min).  Video is now vital to my marketing strategy.

Here are five reasons (backed by stats from Wyzowl: why using video needs to become a priority for you too…

#1: Video Consumption Is Rising - FAST

“People watch an average of 18 hours of online video per week… a staggering 7.5 hour increase per week across the past 3 years!” (Wyzowl)

I don’t know about you – but I much prefer watching a video to reading text.  Video allows for quick message comprehension and appeals to the visual and auditory senses.  Plus, you can fast forward, skip and replay whenever you want!

Did you know there’s actually a FORMULA for the success of videos?

Neither did I until I discovered from a bit of internet sleuthing that Dr James McQuivey of Forrester Research had claimed a video is worth 1.8 MILLION words!

How did he get to that figure?

Well, remember the saying “A picture paints a thousand words”?

1 picture = 1,000 words

An HD video is shot at 30 frames per second

Therefore, 1 second of video = 30,000 words

30,000 words x 60 seconds (a good length for a promo video) = 1.8 million WORDS!

Incredible, right!?

#2: Video Increases Engagement

“People are twice as likely to share video content with their friends than any other type of content, including social media posts, blog posts/articles and product pages.” (Wyzowl)

Look back through your messages… if they’re anything like mine, video content dominates.  Whether it’s with my business team about new software to try, courses to investigate, or ads that are worth reviewing… down to funny GIFS that say EVERYTHING to my closest friend in a simple animated picture.

Video engages people and their emotions.

Videos make you laugh, cry, feel excited, optimistic… or even angry.

The power of video to be shared FAST and often means it’s a no-brainer to include it in your marketing strategy.  Videos stay in the newsfeed longer – the algorithms favour video content – and once it’s up on YouTube or similar – the lifetime of a video is YEARS.  Compare that to any text/image post you’ve written…

Wouldn’t you like to get the most exposure for your marketing efforts?

#3: Video Generates Leads

84% of video marketers say video has helped them generate leads.” (Wyzowl)

So, you’ve created your lead magnet - a PDF, ebook, or webinar to attract new prospects into your world.  Now what?  Too often, I see people invest an awful amount of time into creating these valuable gifts, but they forget (or avoid?) to promote them consistently. 

Sure, you can have it on your website home page, waiting for someone to find it… but then you’ve got to ensure your SEO is top-notch…

That’s where video comes in!

Having videos on your website can increase your SEO.  Sure, there are a few tricks to learn – but if you’ve made all that effort to create a freebie – best drive some traffic to it, right!?

If anything, having good videos simply SHOWS you’re professional — a tech savvy and forward-thinking business.  Remember, first impressions are everything!

#4: Video Increases Revenue

84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.” (Wyzowl)

You’re in business to make money – so why keep leaving it on the table?

You’ve seen people unboxing their products, showing behind the scenes footage, demonstrating how their product works, interviewing past clients about their transformation… why aren’t you?

These kinds of ‘revealing’ videos are irresistible to your ideal prospects. 

What’s in the box?

How did they make that?

Where did they learn how to do that?

Where can I get that too?

I want what they’re having!

The power to influence and persuade in a non-sleazy, entertaining, and educational way using video could be your ticket to increasing revenues and happy customers too.

#5: Videos Are What Consumers Want

85% of people would like to see more video from brands in 2021.” (Wyzowl)

People want to see marketing!?  Really?

Here’s the deal – we live in a hyper consumer world, and people are spending their money.  In fact, the average person is likely spending MORE than their income – hello, credit cards!

People are driven to find the best options.

They want to look the best they can.

They’re seeking answers to challenging problems – and they want them solved FAST.

Marketing has evolved from annoying self-promotional ads (sure, there’s still plenty of that too) – to content consumers are engaging in.  Being entertained by.  Sharing with their friends.

Consumers become loyal to brands – they feel connected to them.  They want to be part of the ‘family’ or ‘team’ or ‘tribe’.

What sort of video content could you make to help foster this sense of connection and trust?

You may not be a multi-million-dollar brand with a million-dollar marketing budget.

But nowadays you don’t have to be, to be seen and make more money!


The stats are pretty convincing.

But I bet there’s a little voice inside your head right now saying:

“I don’t have the time!”

“It’s too expensive.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“It’s too hard for me.”

“I’m not creative enough.”

“Where would I even START?”

I get it.  I was daunted by all those thoughts too.

The first step?

Understand the different TYPES of videos you can create.

Then choose ONE to start with.

The biggest mistake you can make – is not making ANY!

I’ve put my top 5 videos in this PDF.  Simply download >>The Top 5 Videos To Use In Your Marketing Now To Attract MORE Clients Online<<< and I’ll also tell you which online video maker I use.

(Hint: Templates make it much faster!)

(And nope – you don’t even have to put your face to the camera if you shudder at the thought!)

As I’ve found, video creation can be easy and inexpensive.

So, if you know your marketing isn’t as effective as it could be…

If you’ve been putting off making the leap into video creation…

If you want to keep up with the times – and not fall behind any further…

AND grow your business faster…

Perhaps it’s time to harness the profit power of video in your business too?

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Find Marketing Exhausting? Try The SAS Method!

Nobody told me it would be so time-consuming.

I’d been chasing freedom and flexibility when I left the corporate world behind. Yet here I was: Exhausted. Overworked. Uninspired. In my OWN business!?!?

Chasing my tail all day trying to not only serve clients but get MORE booked in on the calendar…

Needing more leads, more sales, more clients, the “more, more, more!” mantra dominating every waking minute.

I believed that to get more – you had to do more.

Marketing tasks dominated my ‘to-do’ list… leaving me little to no time to even think straight if what I was doing was actually working!

  • Vlog more
  • Post more on social media
  • Send more emails
  • Fill more workshops
  • Make a new course
  • Learn all the techy stuff
  • Keep up with all the admin tasks
  • Liaise with my V.A. and team
  • Set up marketing campaigns
  • Serve and support my clients and members
  • More and more networking!

I felt pressure to keep up, not to waste time… not to lose momentum…

Growing an online business is exhilarating – until it’s not.

Until the exhilaration turns to exhaustion.

Until the never-ending tasks take over your life – and the guilt of NOT doing them quickly enough follows you everywhere.

On the edge of burnout; my brain foggy, anxiety peaking, self-doubt surging, and no end to the madness in sight.

I decided to do the SCARIEST thing I’d ever done.

I went against all the marketing advice which says “consistency is key!”

And I stopped.

That’s right – I STOPPED!

I took a FULL week off…(eek!!!)

I gave my V.A. a week off too.

No posts, no vlogs, no networking, no client work.

I shut the office door. The ‘to-do list’ was left on the desk. Incomplete.

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
Michael Altschuler

For the first few days, all I could think about was the business.

I stressed about how people would notice that I wasn’t on social media. That I had disappeared.  Given up.

What would they say? What would they think of me? Would I lose the gains I’d already made and have to work twice as hard to get them back?

Despite the fear, I allowed myself to BE. I slept when I needed to sleep, and I walked when I felt like moving. I sat in the sauna, and I meditated.

It was terrific – eventually!  I had left it so long to switch off that it took a few days to relax enough to enjoy it.

And guess what!? No one missed me!

I believed the world would end if I stopped – but it didn’t. ?

The following week I tentatively opened the office door. I switched on the laptop and gathered my team.

Before we did anything more – it was time to regroup and re-imagine our marketing strategy. Here’s the method we’re using:

Combat Burnout: The S.A.S. Method


Before it's too late...
  • Step back from what you’re doing
  • Prioritise sleep and relaxation
  • Engage in activities that fulfill you in a personal way (no business tasks!)
  • Reconnect with people who make you feel like YOU!
  • “The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it.”


    Only when ready...
  • Undertake a time audit of the last 3 – 6 months. Where are the inefficiencies?
  • Undertake a results audit of the last 3 – 6 months. What is and isn’t working to generate leads, sales, and clients?
  • Be honest about what is and isn’t working for you and your team. What are your frustrations, problems, ‘missing pieces’, and most importantly: unmet needs?
  • “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
    Albert Einstein


    Implement Change...
  • Edit/eliminate tasks identified as inefficient, ineffective, and unprofitable.
  • Prioritise your time for the money-making tasks. Delegate where required.
  • Focus on efficiency, and stop rushing! – what do you need to learn/re-imagine/do differently?
  • Execute on effectiveness – when it comes to creating marketing content, focus on quality over quantity.
  • Communicate with your team all the changes, and before you schedule ANYTHING to do with work – plan your next year’s worth of holidays and long weekends!
  • “You can do anything, but not everything.”
    David Allen

    So I’m BACK!

    I am feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. With the hard lesson, well and truly learned: You have to be FIRST in all areas, or you cannot show up for anyone else.

    Like on a flight when they are going through the safety instructions… when the oxygen mask drops, ALWAYS put your mask on first… otherwise, you’re of no help to anyone else!

    And when it comes to creating marketing content (minus the exhaustion!), here’s what our renewed focus is on:

    • Relevant content to your target market
    • Reusable content (splice, dice, reshare, repurpose!)
    • Searchable content (know your keywords and use them!)
    • Evergreen/long-life-span content (quit wasting time and energy and start creating legacy content that will drive traffic for YEARS!)
    • Valuable content (stop selling and start serving, solving and showing what’s possible!)

    The best format for content that fits all five categories?



    Because text/image social posts disappear from news-feeds within minutes… never to be seen again. If they get seen at all.

    But videos can SURVIVE! Videos are favoured by the algorithm ‘gods’ ?.

    As Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, said: “Right now we’re focused on four key areas: Creators, Video, Shopping and Messaging.”

    And, of course, the rise of Reels and TikTok is leaving those unable to pivot in the dust.

    Don’t get left behind. And stop wasting your time and energy.

    Focus on creating content with the BEST CHANCE of being viewed.

    Keyword load them and publish them on video-sharing sites so they can be found for YEARS to come. So they show up in search engines. So people can find YOU!

    Stop focusing on one-off content that disappears. And stop creating content for content’s sake.

    Streamline your tasks. And focus on creating value-packed videos!

    Then promise me you’ll book your next long weekend in your calendar- you deserve it!

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    Are You A Cursed Expert… Too?

    It was 10pm, and I'd only written ONE sentence.

    Words were swirling around my head, but nothing landed on the page in front of me.

    The cursor blinking on the swathe of white space heightened the volume of the nasty voice inside my head:

    "What the heck is wrong with you!?"

    I only needed 150 words.

    Why was writing a video script to promote my business so hard?

    Why did I feel so stupid when I talked about this stuff every day?

    Why couldn't I express my expertise and passion – in a simple yet compelling way!?

    The following day, I learned I wasn't the only one.

    At the table beside me were business coaches, financial experts, fitness gurus and online marketers…

    Yet when it came to writing 150 words… ready to film our promo videos that day…

    None of us were ready!

    (Now, if you know me – you'd know I could talk with a mouthful of marbles underwater.  Which is an advantage when it comes to socialising and networking…but try and rein me into a 60 second sound bite – and it seemed impossible.)

    Here we were, all accomplished business owners and entrepreneurs.  We were all experts in our industries and niches.  We all had important messages to communicate.

    So, what was holding us back?

    Were we all stupid?

    … or were we unfairly cursed, by our knowledge?

    When being an expert hi-jacks your marketing…

    Here's what I know you've been told to do:

    You've been told to create high-value content.

    You've been told to make engaging videos.

    You've been told to be on every social media platform under the sun to reach your ideal audience…

    And yet your content isn't converting.

    Time is flying by too fast...

    And you're exhausted trying to come up with what to say/write/create every day.

    But, here’s also what I know you can do…

    When you do manage to get the words out – and write content – you share your best.

    When you speak, you share the juicy stuff — the details.

    When you create those videos, you explain fantastic insights and advanced knowledge about why your product/service is the best on the market…

    And how you can help people more than ever…

    But it's not converting into sales.

    Why not?

    (Nope, it's not because you're stupid)…

    It's actually the complete opposite…

    It’s because you know too much!

    When YOU know what you're talking about…
    But no one else does… and they don't care!

    "oh – so there’s nothing wrong with me!?"


    It's highly likely that in all that content you're pumping out, you're using expert language, experiences, and knowledge, which flies straight over the head of those you can really help.

    Simply put: You're not meeting your audience where they're at.  You're trying to show them where you're at – and the gap is just too big!

    Yup.  The curse of knowledge sneaks up on you when you least expect it – and if you don't watch out it can completely derail your marketing success.

    Here are 3 ways to overcome the curse of knowledge:

    1.  Get someone to help elicit your marketing message from you.

    The advantage of being surrounded by others crafting their messages that morning was we could help each other simplify the expert complexity we were all so used to using.

    Getting someone else to listen to you explain your message – and then offer new ways of expressing it, or asking questions about it, is a fantastic way to take a step back and see your business from NEW perspectives.  Through non-expert eyes.

    2.  Craft stories and metaphors to help explain advanced concepts.

    People love stories.  Stories help us remember and help us remain engaged in (potentially overwhelming) content.  So, if what you do as an expert IS complex… take the time to craft some go-to stories for you and your business that you can rely on in ANY situation to engage, enthrall and explain what you do. 

    Simple metaphors can work magic, too – try using this statement next time you're explaining something complex, "It's kind of like…."

    …whatever comes next allows you to bypass the dreaded "expert curse" and keep your language "non-expert suitable".

    3.  Remember back to when you were a newbie… and start from there.

    If your product or service solves a problem for your audience – start with that.  Remember what it was like for you BEFORE you knew the answer.  BEFORE you had access to a product like yours.

    Use language they're using right now to describe their situation, struggles, dreams, and must-haves.

    To get them to tune in – and make them care – speak to them in their language.  Not at them in your language.  Yes, there is a BIG difference!

    The Engaging Expert Emerges!

    One thing I love to do is watch TEDx talks.  And here's what I've noticed.  The best ones are crafted.  They tell stories.  And they resonate with the audience.  Connecting experts to non-experts through a considered approach to language and emotion and knowledge.

    (Now writing a short video script like we were doing on that retreat is a little different to writing a TEDx talk – I know.)

    But when it comes to getting your message across, clearly, remember: If you're aware of the curse of knowledge before you start… you'll enjoy much more success at the end.

    The result for all of us?  Promo video scripts written, filmed, and edited by the end of the day.

    “Farewell the curse of knowledge!”

    Want more comments, more clicks, more conversions?

    That’s exactly what our Exceptional Entrepreneurs achieve through weekly marketing support and coaching.

    Struggling to articulate your message?

    Submit your video script and let’s refine it.

    Show us your sales page and let’s improve it.

    Share your marketing content and let’s review it!

    Join us on our next co-creation call here.

    Because nobody has to do all this overwhelming marketing stuff alone!

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    Target Market Research: Skip This Step And The Disappointment Begins…

    No one wants to spend hours creating marketing content. Or spend hundreds (or thousands) rolling out strategies, only to have them flop.

    The dream of leads pouring into your sales funnel… clients calling YOU… and selling out workshops and events…

    Instead, met with disappointment and ongoing financial strain when the numbers don't make the time, energy, and money invested worthwhile!

    Marketing is the lifeblood of your business. If you know your marketing efforts aren't working as well as they should… and you lack that soul-fulfilling satisfaction from what you create…

    Perhaps you've skipped this crucial step?

    You wouldn't be the only one…

    As I've observed, it's often the most resisted aspect of marketing. And yet can be the most profitable once done properly.

    Researching Your Target Market might sound like a chore – and you might resist it - putting EVERYTHING else ahead of this task…

    But if your current marketing isn't returning those grin-inducing, bank account-filling results you'd hoped for…

    It's time to step back, take a deep breath, and dive deep into your ideal client or customer's mind.

    Nope, it's not creepy or manipulative.

    It's simply a core principle of successful influence and persuasion.

    When you know their inner thoughts, dreams, struggles, and motivations BEFORE putting any content or offer in front of them, then you can save time and money because your content now MATCHES their world. Their desires. Their problems. Their thinking. And it becomes much easier for them to say "Yes"!

    It's challenging to do – to step away from your agenda (to sell more and make money) and meet them where they're at (solve a problem or satisfy a desire). However, the biggest gains I've witnessed have occurred when entrepreneurs and business owners stop ANNOUNCING what they do… and start connecting with their target market's inner truths and inner dialogue.

    Where to start?

    3 'Hidden In Plain Sight' Ways To Read THEIR Minds Online

    • Social Media Comments

      The comments section is a gold mine for the language they use to describe their thoughts and feelings. You can do this on any of the social platforms – inside groups and pages – however, YouTube is where people SEARCH for answers and information, so is a really rich resource to start with! Find videos related to your topic/business, read through the comments section, and discover how your target audience expresses themselves. Keep an eye out for how they describe their experiences, emotions, struggles, and desires. Copy & paste the goodies into a Word or Excel document, ready to refer back to next time you're creating content!
    • Reddit & Subreddit

      Search for discussions related to your topic and scour the conversations for the language patterns of your target market. The questions asked. The responses posted. Copy and paste the insights into your growing Target Market Research Document.
    • Testimonials

      If you already have a stockpile of testimonials from your clients and customers – fantastic – use those. If not, your competitors probably do – and they're likely plastered all over their websites and marketing materials ready for you to analyse! Collate testimonials related to your topic/business and again highlight the WORDS people use to describe their experiences. What before and after experiences did they have? What past experiences have they had? What worked well… what didn't?

    The word 'research' can send some people into a panic; the task itself can feel like a time-suck. If it's overwhelming to do it all in a big chunk. Relax. You're likely on social media every day anyways. Right?

    Simply keep an eye out for those LANGUAGE PATTERNS and WORDS people are using related to your niche – and keep a stockpile somewhere safe. Over time you will start to notice repeating themes, words, phrases and some BRILLIANT insights into how you can now TALK to them via THEIR language.

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    The Fundamental Flaw With Time Management

    Ask any entrepreneur or business owner what one of their biggest struggles is, and no doubt it will have something to do with TIME…

    • Not enough time to get everything done
    • Things taking too much time to complete
    • A feeling of running out of time when things haven't gone to plan!

    This 'too little time' phenomenon sees endless blogs, books, podcasts and courses teaching time management. It's a lucrative industry, no doubt!

    There's soo many people searching for the answer to 'more time'…

    But somewhere along the line, something was missed. Skipped over…

    We all nod our heads in unison through the power of collective agreement about how important time management is. 

    But there is, unfortunately, a flaw in our thinking…

    But before we get to that, let's first ask the age-old question – what is time?

    Google this question, and you'll find many answers to what is quite a tricky question! But before we go down the rabbit hole of physics and time-space theory…  good old Wikipedia will suffice for today:

    "Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. It is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience. "

    Bit of a mouthful, right!?

    Here are the three key things to take from this:

    1. Time doesn't stop

    2. It allows us to order existence and events from past, present and future

    3. Time is a measure of change

    Now, this is all well and good until you ask the question – is time something you can actually manage?

    Because as the definition shows, time isn't a 'THING'.

    You can't touch it. Hold it. Tie a rope around it and tell it to speed up or slow down, or correct course! Management means to be in charge of something and to control it.

    Unfortunately, this is the fundamental flaw when it comes to using the phrase' time management'…

    Because as it turns out – you can't actually manage time!

    And the more people propose that you can, the more it creates feelings of guilt, overwhelm, and frustration in people out there IN time building and growing businesses.

    You can only ever manage YOURSELF in time.

    Believing you can manage time leads to constantly feeling you've failed or that you're not 'good enough' because you're not 'managing your time' correctly and ticking that 'to do' list off fast enough!

    Here's where I believe the discussion on Time Management needs to head, especially for business.

    1. Self-Management

    When you let go of the concept of time management and instead focus on self-management, things can really start to change for the better. But it does, of course, require the ability to increase your self-awareness so you can 'see' what behaviours or habits you need to change, evolve, or let go of to manage yourself better IN time.

    Something I see many people struggle with is unrealistic time expectations. Scheduling and lists 'don't work' only creates endless stress and anxiety because they believe they should always do things FAST. And if they're not completed in the allocated time, their cortisol goes through the roof!

    How can you become better at managing realistic time expectations?

    Surround yourself with others already achieving what you want – and ask them how they do it, how they learned a new skill. How long it takes them to complete the task? You may be surprised that all that extra pressure you've put on yourself is entirely unnecessary!

    2. Impact Of Tasks
    You probably already know about listing tasks in order of urgency and priority. But what most will miss is a third aspect that is vital to consider when it comes to exceptional achievement.

    And that's IMPACT.

    The impact or significance of each thing on your list compared to your end goal. For entrepreneurs, that could be financial freedom or creating generational wealth. For business owners that could be winning awards or expanding into new areas. Whatever that big goal is, it's super important that you assess everything on your list for its significance to this outcome. And put those tasks to the top of the list that has the MOST impact on making that dream happen!

    Ranking by impact and significance can give you the power to say NO things on your list leading you in the wrong direction! Helping you stay focused and more successful in the long run.

    3. Commitment

    Once you know what you need to manage – yourself.

    And once you know your most significant tasks – to ensure you get what you want!

    It then becomes a commitment to focus on these two things.

    Something that is talked a lot about in marketing and business is consistency. Consistency in your message. Consistency in content creation. Consistency in showing up and giving value.

    It's crucial to realise committing to being consistent is self-management. Not time management.

    Time is going to pass, no matter what you do…

    It's all about managing yourself (or your 'selves', as Hal & Sidra Stone would say) in time.

    More about managing your 'selves' in a future article…

    Till then, if you catch yourself using the phrase ' time management,' remember – there's more to it than making a list or schedule and then 'failing' to stick to it when it comes to Exceptional Achievement! 

    Those who are genuinely successful understand the profit-power of self-management within time.

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    The Top 5 Videos To Attract More Clients Online

    Everywhere you look, VIDEO is taking off! Social media, stories, lives, online courses, even videos within emails. Video is KEY to getting your message seen, heard, and ENGAGED with by the right people.


    What should you SAY in these videos?

    What inspiring piece of content will you create that RESONATES with your target audience and positions you as the go-to authority!?

    • Boring videos won't get watched, and irrelevant content says all the WRONG things about you and your business…
    • Creating endless content that drives little to no traffic gets exhausting…
    • Releasing a bad video could cause as much damage as a bad customer review (and you don't want that now, do you?)

    Here's where to start:

    These 5 videos will help you;

    • PRIME and SEED your audience to your exceptional VALUE
    • Get them familiar with your unique MESSAGE…
    • AND
    • Make them more likely to BUY from you…

    These 5 video types aim to eliminate the "I'm not sure"/"do I trust you?" barriers. They talk directly to your target audience and what THEY'RE interested in, what they're searching for, what they need to hear from YOU!

    If you want to SHINE online like the exceptional entrepreneur/business builder you are... then this top 5 list of videos to create is for you!

    #1 Problem Videos

    Your most lucrative target audience is searching for a solution to a problem. When you can talk directly to their problem, then they'll see you (or your product/service) as the solution to their urgent needs.

    The "URGENT PROBLEM" is the first problem you can solve for them. It's what they need to be solved NOW.

    Your job? Create videos about their urgent problem... and how you solve it!

    Describe the problem as it shows up in THEIR world. Ensuring you communicate with compassion and understanding. Next transition to how your product/service, SOLVES that problem for them.

    And always remember a clear call to action at the end.

    TIP #1

    Ensure you do market research so you can uncover the language your target audience is using to describe their problem. Then you can talk to them in their words.

    Using their own language makes it easier for them to connect with you because they'll feel that you 'get' what they're experiencing. This will help skyrocket your know-like-trust factor fast!

    #2 Desire Videos

    The other thing your lucrative target market will be seeking (other than solutions to problems) is the satisfaction of DESIRES.

    Your job? Create videos that talk to their core desires and show how you can help them achieve satisfaction.

    Core desires are the most powerful of them all! Core desires can include things like safety, security, belonging, increased status, significance, variety and connection.                                                                                                                                          

    TIP #2

    Contrary to popular belief, your job in marketing isn't to CREATE desire in your potential client or customer. Instead, the desire must already exist within them.

    Your only task is to 'add fuel' to their desire... make it burn so bright and so strong... that they must take action with you to satisfy it NOW!

    Using emotionally charged language, emotional stories, and 'before and after' contrasts is a great way to tap into their desire and ignite its purchasing power!

    #3 Question Videos

    Your lucrative target market has questions - they're seeking answers, solutions, and information. So, when you position yourself as the provider of answers or as the expert who tackles the hard questions, you become more valuable in their eyes and trust is established in a really genuine way.

    Your job? Start by making videos that target the questions they are searching for on Google & YouTube and provide the answers (or access to the answers) they're seeking.

    Tip #3

    Whether in business or social media, if you have a group, pay attention to conversations as people usually ask questions regarding the things they're struggling with.

    Another resource you can use is

    Here you can find all the questions people are typing into google as related to your topic. It's a treasure trove of content ideas and can help take the guesswork out of targeted content creation.

    #4 Story Videos

    People love to communicate through stories, including your Ideal Client or Customer. It could be a story about you, a client of yours, someone you know, or even a story about THEM!

    Stories are highly influential when you can create an emotional connection and reaction in the target audience.

    Your job? Collect & craft stories into videos that people can relate to.

    • Stories that encounter the same challenges your Ideal Client is going through
    • Stories in which the subject successfully overcomes obstacles and succeeds in the end
    • Stories that increase the perceived value of your offer

    TIP #4

    Russell Brunson recommends an easy 3-step script you can use for highly engaging content...

    First, grab their attention with a HOOK (a big juicy headline or promise).

    Second, emotionally engage them and SHOW them the 'before and after' transformation or crucial 'aha' moment using a STORY.

    Third, transition to your OFFER of how they can experience similar results too.

    #5 Sneak Peek Videos

    People love seeing the 'real-life' stuff, the stuff that isn't always perfect!

    There's a time for 'professional' content, and there's a time for 'personal' content... both provide an opportunity to showcase your unique point of difference in the marketplace - YOU!

    Create videos that show your business's day-to-day or inner workings, behind-the-scenes life, and the real-time results of those you help.

    Showcase your personality, your professionalism, and proof that what you do is accessible for others too!

    Remember, as much as these videos may focus on you; the strategy is that everything you show is RELEVANT to your Ideal Client and their decision-making process.

    It's not just making content for content's sake... because that's exhausting!

    TIP #5

    When doing this kind of video, always ask yourself what are you trying to show them. There MUST be a strategy behind it...

    What do they need to see from you to feel like you're the right person to work with? Is it...?

    Honesty? Trust? Humour? Flaws? Warmth? Personality? Fun!?

    What will make them say things like "oh, they're just like me!" or "I'm not the only one" and "I can do it too!"

    Remember: Create a content schedule with your strategy in mind - and stick to it!

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    A Simple 3-Step Approach To Marketing To Help You Get More Clients Online

    Marketing is the key ingredient to a successful business, especially online. Yet, it's one of the most overlooked aspects when deciding to start a business. You focus on WHAT you want to do now that you've quit your job and taken the leap. It's all about ideas and action and that first flurry of customers and clients – of people you KNOW.

    But what happens when you run out of friends, friends of friends and all those networking events get you nowhere? 

    You'll suddenly realise the importance of marketing — the importance of reaching bigger audiences and having your message spread much wider than ever before. It plays a crucial role in creating consistent and reliable cash flow from leads and clients coming to you – rather than you chasing them!

    When I first got into business, I overlooked the importance of marketing too. I thought, "I'm good at what I do, so everyone will want to work with me". I didn't realise that just talking to people about 'what I do' wasn't going to be sustainable in the long run. I didn't realise there's a whole lot of psychology around how you have to communicate your message so that they actually understand how it's helpful to them and why they should care, right now - not just a nice conversation with people who are never going to take action with you!

    Yes, there comes a time when marketing becomes the critical factor to getting beyond the 'hobby' stage of business and entrepreneurship. The starting point is understanding WHAT marketing is.

    Marketing is very different from sales. Marketing is the process of communicating your value to an audience. It's a way of communicating what problem(s) you solve, what desire(s) you satisfy and how you can help those you want to work with the most.

    Marketing is everything you do BEFORE a sale.

    The biggest mistake you'll make when you start marketing is falling into the ANNOUNCING trap. Announcing to the world what you do, who you are, and what you're selling. TELLING people what's good for them. Leading with how many awards you've won, your qualifications, and stating the price upfront. SELLING before providing any real, tangible value!

    Marketing becomes exhausting when approached like this. It leads to the next big mistake… the "Spray & Pray" approach…

    Make as much content and advertising material as you can, then throw it out on 'social media land' to see what sticks.

    Picture a firehouse drowning people with irrelevant stuff they don't want.

    There's already an overwhelming amount of marketing messages that we're bombarded with every day… it's time to make your message one of the goodies! A targeted message that gets the RIGHT people wanting to work with you – less hoping someone will buy from you, and more knowing people really do want your offer of value.

    From my experience, effective marketing boils down to this simple 3 step approach:

    "The Right Message, To The Right Person, At The Right Time

    1. The Right Message

    The key with this is it is the right message for THEM. Not you.

    Ask yourself what they need to hear from you right now, not what you want to say to them. There's a profound difference to this!

    The message must be focused on them, the potential client or customer. The message must be created FOR them, TO them, and ABOUT them. Not you.

    The language you use in the marketing message is important.  It must be the words they use, they understand, and with which they resonate.  Too often, people use professional jargon or high-level concepts that instantly alienates the audience.

    If you do solve complex problems for your clients – it can be challenging knowing what to 'lead' with when marketing. You can end up promoting a YAWN inducing message that either people have heard before – or is meaningless to their current problems!

    That's why it's important to have a message that talks directly to an urgent problem they're looking to solve. Or an urgent desire they're seeking to satisfy. Urgency is key; your message must grab their attention because it's relevant to what's going on in their lives, right, now!

    As Frank Kern says, there are only two things you will do when it comes to marketing – you'll either be speaking your message or writing your message. Learning how to craft compelling copy and researching the psychology of decision-making science is key to transforming an average message into a high-conversion one.

    Getting the 'right message' takes research, testing, and perseverance to learn the nuances of influence and persuasion and how you can communicate your value in a way that encourages a direct response from THEM!

    2. The Right Person

    Getting the 'message right' depends ultimately on WHO will be consuming it, aka who you want to work with, who you can help the most! Defining your Lucrative Target Market (aka an existing market, already spending money, already seeking solutions) and constantly refining it over time as you get feedback and results is the best way to ensure your message is seen, heard, and desired by the right people.

    When writing or speaking your message, it's important to remember who you are talking to. Getting clear on your Ideal Client allows you to always structure your message to them. In the language they use.

    To do this, your Target Market Research needs to go beyond simple demographics. You must familiarise yourself with their fears, desires, wants, needs, problems, urgencies, anxieties, beliefs, values… and stories they tell themselves. Not only does this provide insight into what is going on in their world – it gives you fantastic insight into appropriate content to create FOR them. Tying your skills back to their problems and desires is critical.

    Thorough Target Market Research will soon highlight where the 'gaps' are in existing solution providers offers – you will then start to see how you can craft your message to fill a gap in an already lucrative market place.

    "But! Doesn't getting so clear, and specific, and targeted to just ONE
    person's inner workings – exclude everyone else?"

    Here's a way to explain why getting clear on your Ideal Client's inner workings doesn't restrict you to a tiny audience:

    Picture a dartboard.

    The bulls-eye is that ideal client you'd love to help. Say they have 10 problems and desires you can help them solve and satisfy through your offer. The next ring out is someone who has 8 of these problems.

    The next ring out has only 6.

    The next ring out has only 4.

    And so on.

    When you talk to the bulls-eye, you're automatically talking to everyone else. The difference is you're so clear on who you help and what they're seeking… you actually open the door to MORE people seeing your value. Simply because you know what they're looking for and how to communicate it to them!

    Speaking their thoughts, feelings, stories, and challenges BACK TO THEM is a sure-fire way to skyrocket your like-know-trust factor. Something which untargeted, fire-house, "Spray & Pray" marketing will always struggle to achieve.

    3. The Right Time

    Out of these three steps –TIME – is the one thing you can’t control. 

    The right time for each person who sees your message is going to be different. Some will instantly want what you're offering because they have high urgency. Some will resonate with you and your message, but the time won't be right for them, but the more they see you and your message, they will know who to turn to when the time is right. Some will see your message and scroll right past it– but two months later, see it again, and suddenly it's the thing they need, right, now!

    You can't control WHEN the time is right for anyone. That's why consistency is king in marketing. Consistency in the message you put out to the market place. Consistency in content being created and published out to your market place. Consistency in your desire to do what you do – and share it out to your audience!

    Now consistency is not always an easy thing to achieve. It gets caught up in all sorts of time management challenges and resource restrictions – money, time, energy – as an entrepreneur or business owner, time is always of the essence. Still, it can also feel like you waste a lot of time on things that 'don’t work’.

    This is why being clear on who you help and what they need to hear to take action with you is so important. It’s much easier to be consistent in a message when you KNOW what to say, write, create, and publish. It’s the not knowing that usually wastes so much time… and holds you back from greater success.

    But mixed into the marketing challenge (and reality) is the fact that most people will NOT take action with you. When you look at the analytics, statistics, and numbers of online marketing, the percentages are usually lower than you’d expect – especially when you’re just starting out.  Therefore, an aspect not often talked about when it comes to consistency is the RESILIENCE required to allow the results to improve over time. Especially if you’re doing organic marketing strategies. It will take time for you to gain confidence in your message and develop the marketing skills such as copywriting, video creation, and influence and persuasion before the ‘numbers’ will create that consistent cash flow you need.

    That’s why surrounding yourself with people who can guide you, provide support, and aid in your skill development is key to ensuring results happen faster than you trying to do it all alone.

    Putting it into action!

    Now nobody gets all three steps perfectly right the first time. But you can use these three steps as the foundation of your marketing approach.

    Come back to these three steps when you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the ‘to dos’ of marketing when you’re caught up in the intricacies of HOW to put a marketing campaign together technically. Or when you’re at a loss of what to communicate to your audience.

    Marketing can seem so complicated. So daunting. So time-consuming. So go ahead and write them on a piece of paper and stick them on your wall. Then the next time you’re feeling at a loss of what to do – ask yourself one thing: “How Can I Get The Right Message, To The Right Person, At The Right Time?”

    Use these three factors to help guide your decision-making process.

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